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OMAD and 20:4 fasters…what is your actual calorie intake during feeding window?

I started doing 16:8 then 18:6. Today I successfully managed a 19:5. Working my way up to 20:4 or possibly OMAD. But I am finding that after I eat my first meal I am not at all hungry during the rest of my window. I also get full off a relatively small amount of calories. So I’m just wondering how many calories are y’all able to cram into one meal or 4 hrs??

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I do omad, sometimes extending the eating window to 2hrs.

1,200-1,400, eating mostly leafy greens, nuts, chicken or turkey, sometimes eggs. Occasionally more fun things. 😅

Most of the calories come from the almonds/pecans/pepitas and eggs and they’re super filling. Sometimes it does get kinda hard to cram it all in. I love this way of eating though. After a few weeks you stop even considering eating outside the window. Give it a try!


I can easily eat my allotted 2100 calories in my 1 hour (sometimes 30 minute) eating window. I’ve had surplus days over 5000 calories in that same time frame. I wish I had an issue going through my calories like some of you but perhaps it’s because I still allow myself however many carbs I can handle


When I’m doing OMAD I shoot for 1400-1600 calories on that meal. Usually with a larger salad with a protein as a way to get there. When I’m not eating salads, it usually involves a lot of chicken thighs and beans and greens.


I do OMAD and during my hour window I don’t restrict myself really because no matter what I eat I get full REAL fast!! I prioritize having meats but don’t shy away from carbs either. No matter what I eat, I make sure to have a protein shake to ensure I’m getting proper amounts of protein. This is working very well for me

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Categories: omad calories eating window chicken carbs meat