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OMAD WITHOUT losing weight

I wanted some advice and input. I have been intermiitent fasting on and off for about 18 months now and done multi day water fasts. I started it to manage post covid inflammation and get into ketosis witthout a really redtrictive diet. It also makes me feel better and improves my focus. Which is why I was interested in trying OMAD. I don’t want to lose fat, as my body fat is low already. But at 207lbs I need around 3,000-3,500 calories a day to maintain mass. I worked hard to get that mass and I don’t want to lose it.. Is this feasible? Any advice on meal ideas or links to anyone that maintains muscle mass on OMAD?

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I don’t think your stomach will appreciate you guzzling 3000 calories in 2 - 4 hours. Or you will have to prepare your food like some restaurants where a single platter alone will amount to 2000 calories, like Applebee’s or something, but the trade-off is that you will also suffer from high sodium levels. You can try it out for a week or two to see if it’s suitable for you, but if you are training and fasting regularly, then perhaps something like 16:8 or 17:9 might be better. You will have enough time to eat and still maintain your weight.


Definitely possible, but tricky. You’ll want to search for low volume high calorie foods, as your stomach is likely to not be able to handle 3k cals in a sitting of high volume foods. Make sure you throw a lot of fiber in there, specially chia or flax seeds; those have helped me a tooon with digesting everything smoothly.

At first, it may take some adjustment, but your body should adapt to the new system after a couple of weeks.

I’ve been doing OMAD for a long time, not to lose weight, but I only have to eat 1,500 calories per day (I’m 5’0.5’’ and weight less than 100lbs, so that’s my maintenance). I do have fairly defined muscles and doing this doesn’t affect them. I actually gained most of the muscle while doing OMAD in the first place.

So, I’d definitely say go for it, but try and do some research about the best foods to cover those 3k cals with the lowest possible volume while hopefully keeping things healthy.

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