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OMADers. When do you eat (and why)?

I’m probably going to start fasting again. I work 1st shift and tend to snack as a form of stress-relief. From what I’ve read about other people’s experiences, eating around dinner time tends to make you hungry the following morning. Especially if the meal is carb heavy. I’ve experienced this myself.

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Dinner for a few reasons.

  1. Skipping breakfast and just having a black coffee is easy.
  2. Lunch time I can keep busy and drink water, more productivity is a plus here.
  3. I like to have a meal with my wife and kids at the end of each day.

Works for me/my family and that’s the key.

I also get hungrier in evenings, my biggest chance at failing is in the evening after work so dinner negates that.


I’m way less likely to eat anything through the day if I don’t start. Then it’s easier to eat right and look back at the day, happy enough with it to go forward to bedtime snackless making it truly omad. Energy is burnt while I’m in ketosis though the day which begins overnight following a brief hungry period, if I’m awake for it. Occasionally I switch it up though. Like on a weekend, Saturday morning I’ll have a bacon and egg breakfast with some green stuff mixed in. No toast. Then I’ll fast until Sunday dinner time. Shaking things ups helps bust through hard to pass weight loss goals. It also helps with a more resilient body, capable of adapting.


I eat around 2pm. I’m at SAHM and that’s when all the kids are down for nap, so I have time to prep my food, sit down, read my Bible while I eat, etc. It makes for a nice relaxing time and I get to really enjoy my food. By the time I’m done, the kids are getting up and off we go again.


Definitely dinner.

The second i try to switch to morning eating, I become hungry and obsess about food all day.

It’s a lot better to drink a coffee in the morning, then be distracted with work all day and not think about food, and then eat when work ends.

I never EVER experience hunger in the morning because i eat dinner, and by the time i reach the morning the sugar spike has been and gone and blood sugar level is down.


I eat at breakfast for a purely aesthetic reason: it means i’ll be at a lower weight in the morning when I weigh myself than if I had eaten at dinner.

I don’t recommend it though. Breakfast is absolutely the least important meal of the day.


I was doing dinner because I didn’t need to worry about food during the day and could just work. But I found that it was hard to get enough calories in before 8pm, and then I went to bed with a full stomach. When I switched to 12-4, I started losing weight again. Trade-offs, I guess! When I get to maintenance stage I’ll probably switch back to an evening window.


I eat from 6pm - 10pm. One of the main reasons I fast is brain function and fasting only for some odd reason makes me a lot more productive then once I break my fast I get a lot lazier. So with this system I do all my work throughout the day till 6 then once I break fast it’s chill time


Dinner because it’s important for me to eat dinner with my family. It’s also easier to skip meals during the day because it’s easier due to being busy. I’m more hungry in the evening vs during the day. I don’t wake up hungry



  1. I prefer dinner food over breakfast food
  2. Afternoon/early evening is the best time for me to work out, and I can break my fast when I get home
  3. I prefer ending my day with a nice meal versus starting it
  4. I am usually too busy during the day for lunch
  5. I enjoy eating dinner as a family



  1. After going—going—going all day, I can have my dinner in a relaxed way, and relax after. Eating makes me want to rest afterwards.

  2. For me, it’s easier to wait to eat, than it is to eat and then not eat the rest of the day. If I had my meal at breakfast, it would feel like a distant memory by evening. I’d want to eat again.


I usually eat a late lunch at around 3pm. No real reason behind it though, it was just a convenient time and has become my norm. I have found that if I eat much later than that I have issues sleeping

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