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Planning my first 36 hour fast. Pointers?

(Posted this in other fasting reddits but the more advice the merrier!)

Ive done 24 hour fasts once a week for three weeks and I love the mental and physical challenge. I wanna push to try 36 hour, I just have a few questions to really make sure I’m properly reaping the benefits I could be.

  1. I recognize i need electrolytes for fasts of that length; does propel break a fast? Or should I consider just taking salt and magnesium?
  2. I take several vitamins each day (ACV, probiotics, vitamin d soft gel, dissolvable b12 pills) and a daily birth control pill (chewable): im wondering if those would break a fast or knock me out of autophagy or if I should just take them when I’m out of my fast.
  3. What exercise is best when in a fasted state? I alternate lifting and cardio 5x a week and like my routine but would it put too much stress on my body?
  4. Lastly I’d love to hear anyone’s experience or tips or advice! Thank you :)

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Eating a late dinner (9pm or even later depending when u usually go to bed) makes it easy! You’ll go through a whole day but won’t physically feel the hardship as much and then wakeup and you’re at the 36hr mark (or close to)


  1. If you need electrolytes, Powerade makes a 0 calorie version of their drinks that you can use to supplement during that time with water! I don’t know anything about Propel so I can’t comment on that unfortunately
  2. Not sure!
  3. Since you are fasting stick to whatever you are comfortable with - if you need to take it light, take it light - I listen to what my body can or can’t handle and go from there! Sometimes I focus on weights, sometimes just the stair climber and other non intensive cardio!
  4. No tips from me! Just wishing you best of luck - I find that for longer fasts I have done, after the 36 hours I hit this point where I get an INSANE burst of energy! I ope it all goes well for you!

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