I was hoping to get a bit of advice. Last night I was going for my first 36 hour fast, it would have ended this morning. However at 3am last night I woke up with severe nausea and couldn’t get back to sleep or alleviate the feeling no matter what I tried.
I did a quick search of this subreddit to find some advice and saw nausea was one thing you shouldn’t push through, so I went and had a small snack which helped and then went back to sleep.
I was wondering if there was any reason I felt like this?
I have done OMAD for 2 weeks eating very low carbs in my one meal. I also drank electrolytes yesterday and before bed. So I felt like I was prepare and ready!
Probably the electrolytes. Also sometimes acid reflux can make you feel nauseous. When not eating if you do get a bit of extra stomach acid it can lead to that sour, sick feeling. You could also try a tums next time