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Questions about dry fasting for health purposes, how many days?

I was already doing a water fast, 3 days in, when I suddenly just felt the urge to try a dry fast. I am about 24 hours in on the dry fast currently. Not sure how long I should do it, maybe 60 hours? People say start with 12h, but I was in ketosis before going in (Keto even before the water fast) and am somewhat used to fasting already. Anyway, after the dry fast I think I am going to do swap to a regular water fast for 4 days and end the 12 day fast with another 2,5 days of dry fasting.

Although I was interested to hear if you have any advice/opinions on this strategy?
My main purpose with the fasting is to try heal up some old stuff. Like I just quit “snus” (nicotine) a month ago and it had quite a lot of physical impact on me too, think I had some kind of constant small allergic reaction to it. But I also got some other chronic issues that I hope to reverse eventually, at least relieve. My (non-diagnosed but) probable fibromyalgia is already feeling better, as well as a joint with probably RA or PA which runs in the family.

Do you know if there are any recommendations or possibly personal experiences of how long I should aim for doing the fasts to reap these kinda benefits?

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So.. 72 Hours so far! :)But i have noticed a couple of warning signs just now; first is an artery that looks on the verge to pop (enlarged) on the hand near a knuckle. 2nd is yellow to brown-ish urine, it’s been practically clear until now.

I would really appreciate feedback on if you think that is serious/acute stuff and reasons to quit?For now I aim to keep going but look for more signs of dehydration.


Soon 48 hours in on the dry fast. I think I will just continue for as long as I can and hope I make it a minimum of 5 days, “dream goal” 9 days but that will most likely be too rough.
And yeah, taking it day by day since I have no idea how this will develop.


Question; I am already (59 hours in) very thirsty, not dehydrated though, but starting to feel a bit nauceus already. I am gonna travel quite far (6 hours-ish by train and bus) and attend school for 3 days starting tomorrow.
Do you think I should have a lower quit-treshold due to first-timer and circumstances, or is it worth to push through anything that does not seem really dangerous?

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