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/r/Nutrition Weekly Personal Nutrition Discussion Post - All Personal Diet Questions Go Here

Welcome to the weekly r/Nutrition feature post for questions related to your personal diet and circumstances. Wondering if you are eating too much of something, not enough of something, or if what you regularly eat has the nutritional content you want or need? Ask here.

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Im 22, 184cm, 88kg. Go gym 6 times a week for atleast 1.5hours.

I eat around 1800-2000 kcal a day, a couple people told me this is really low, i eat clean dont drink alcohol or sodas. I want to be 85kg so i can see how i look and decide from there if i want to cut more or bulk up again. But eventho i eat this small amount of kcal, i dont lose any weight. I want to know how to optimize my diet for energy and for muscle growth. Who can help me out?


Is there any problem with a large calorie deficit if I do not feel hungry? I hover between a 700 and 1000 calorie deficit depending on the day. That is my Apple Watch active calories + BMR - eaten calories as tracked using cronometre.

I’m using this as my method of cutting so the main goal is to loose weight, specifically body fat. So if I don’t feel hungry is there any problem to this? As far as I know you do not need a calorie surplus for body recomposition , just a sufficient amount of protein. The macros I stick to are 150g protein, 120g fat and 30g carbs at 1800 calories. As per the carbs I do keto as for the most part I have noticed many benefits in day to day life less so for the body fat burning aspect.

The only issue I see is that with such a large deficit I will begin loosing not just fat but also muscle mass, but shouldn’t strength training and sufficient portion intake offset this? Of course this just a short term phase as I do not want to loose weight endlessly.


I don’t know how this works so, here i go!

Male 36, 1.86m, around 63kg.

so, I’m tall and skinny, I’ve always been that way, and i think I’ve always have alimentary disorders, however 9 month ago i started stop smoking, I’ve tried 1000 times before, I’m trying with a vape, i still have nicotined e-juices but the dose is now the lower posible and I haven’t smoke in 9 months, so this is big but… I’ve been depresed, quit job 6 months ago and i barely move from the sofa, smoke weed all day long and barely eat, even if im hungry i prefer to let it be than going out and buying something, I’m kind of broke but i feel like i need to start moving or I’ll lose it!

So, if I’ve been really really stuck to that sofa and i want to start doing some exercise, maybe it will start with walks and easy stuff, my long term objetive is to dedicate time every single day to exercise myself but in my current state i would like to start with some general advice about what to avoid, what would be ideal to eat and what to do in general while i can afford a professional

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