| | Water Fasting

Resisted the urge to eat during fasting window!!

I restarted 16:8 IF two weeks ago after gaining all the weight that I lost (30 pounds) before I got married in September. It has been a struggle getting back on track, but I have determination. Tonight, my husband came home from a night out with the guys (about 3 hours after my eating window ended) and he wanted to go out and get a burger. I fasted for nearly 20 hours today and I nearly broke. I wanted the burger SO bad. And I kept trying to convince myself that I should just live and eat the burger, but my discipline won tonight and I am extremely proud of myself. I know I will thank myself endlessly tomorrow after the craving is gone, and I’ll get the burger tomorrow when my fasting window ends if I still want it. But I probably won’t, because cravings pass and that’s the most important self reminder. Discipline for the win!

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Killing it!!! Good for you!!

Honestly, knowing how to say no to food is so important. Even though there’s plenty of science that backs up the benefits of these eating windows, I think the most important thing about fasting is the ability to mentally and emotionally take control of hunger cravings.

Thinking that “living a little” means consuming calories and foods that you don’t actually need is such an engrained part of life that we have to break free from. Using food as a source of entertainment and fun isn’t a very healthy way of seeing things, and you totally broke that cycle with yourself tonight. That’s progress!

This way of thinking sometimes reminds me of alcoholism or other substance abuse/additions. The idea that having fun or enjoying your life means consuming these things even though we know we shouldn’t. It’s like being willing to go to a bar with friends and drink water without feeling bad…it’s also going out to EAT with friends and just drinking water that can be a huge challenge for somebody trying to tackle their weight.

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