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Second 72h fast went great!!!!!

Edit: OMG kind stranger, thank you so much for the award 😍

Hi all,

Remember a few days ago, that I said I’m never going to do a 72h fast again? Here’s the link: https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/comments/x31mdo/first\_72h\_fast\_heres\_what\_i\_learned/

Well, in two hours I’m there. 🥳

As /u/genub mentioned, fasting is a learning experience. You body needs to adapt to it. Well, they were completely right.

The second 72h fast went sooo much easier. No dizzyness, lots of energy, I only felt hungry after drinking tea. (later turned out they put a little bit of sugar in the teabags, just enough to not have to mention it on the package. pfffff……).
My head was clear. I need a lot less sleep when I’m fasting. Therefore I do have trouble falling in sleep but hey ho.

On my second fast I didn’t loose a lot of weight compared to the first fast. But I see my body rearranging and losing cm’s.

So, I’ve been cooking and in two hours, this is the menu:

>!Grilled chicken marinated in salty soy sauce and sesame seeds, Potatoes from the oven, stir fried veggies. Later in the evening I can get a glass of well deserved red red wine!<

I’m never really proud of myself, but this is such a thrill to have achieved this.
Thanks for reading

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Congrats!! It’s great that you’re about to complete your fast! I’ve found that to be true too, that your body just needs to adjust. It’s also possible to overdo it too. Enjoy your refeed in a few hours!


I hear you about the learning experience. I’m currently 63h into my 3rd 72h fast and it’s going so well I’m thinking of extending it. Usually after 48h I feel weak and lightheaded but I had a really productive day yesterday. Feeling good today too.

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