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Snake Juice / Saline enema instead of drinking the snake juice?

Right basically when I was still a rebellious teen/early 20s and was a partier I would partake in amphetamines (think its the same thing as whats in aderall in the US) and because I didnt like to ‘bomb’ it’ or mix it in drinks I would basically cook it on a spoon with water and put into a plastic syringe like what you give babies their medicine and basically push it up my bottom. It would give me the same effects as if I had took it the more traditional ways and much quicker! So im thinking could you not do the same thing with the snake juice mixture? Now to inject 2l anally would be a laborous task but Im thinking you could easily mix the whole mix into about 5 syringes worth of liquid and do it through out the day (this should also prevent it acting as a laxative) Im only on my second 2l batch of snake juice so I can still hack it atm. But Im very curious to try the enema method once I cant stomach anymore. Also curious to know if people have tried it? someone should bring it up with Cole I mean the mans drank his own urine so this doesnt seem that far out. I forgot to add I watched Bear Grylls inject stagnant water up his bottom to hydrate himself because he couldnt drink it?

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As you’ve discovered, this is a bad idea. But I appreciate the thinking involved! Thanks for taking one for the team so we could find out for sure. Just doesn’t make a lot of sense to me why all the effort to boof snake juice would be worth it over just lowering the salt concentration. The snake juice and electrolyte powder I drink has significantly less salts than the canonical snake juice recipe and I always feel great on it. Better yet, if you get a hold of some ascorbic acid powder (vitamin c), you can add a tiny amount to the snake juice and it will somewhat counterbalance the salty taste without adding calories. It’s also really good for you.

Your intestines aren’t going to want to absorb more salt than the levels present in your extracellular fluid or perhaps a medical saline solution, so it’s just going to try and expel snake juice most of the time. I have no idea how intestines react to potassium salt, but I doubt that’s something it appreciates. If the snake juice has magnesium sulfate in it, that can also have a laxative effect. (magnesium sulfate solution is sometimes administered anally for that purpose, but that can also be dangerous)

Seriously, just adjust the snake juice formula and drink more of it. The body can handle a lot of salt, but in my experience you don’t necessarily need to be taking in as much salt as is in the original snake juice recipe.


What the hell is wrong with you? Read what you just wrote again, then read it again. You sound like a crazy person.

You’re basically saying “I’m such weak person that I can do a bucketload of drugs but drinking a little bit of saltwater scares me so much, I need to stick it up my ass.”

Are you just going to walk around all day sticking a syringe up your ass?

Seek professional help.


Well I gave this a try but I only had a 2.5ml syringe to hand. I would NOT recommend doing this! Not only was a deeply uncomfortable sensation once I released the liquid into my rectum but because it was highly concentrated salt water solution when my body needed to pretty much automatically ‘expel’ it from me it stung like an absolute bitch on the delicate anal tissue. I should have known better from when my other orifice got extremely sore from sea water trying out something wet and wild with my ex partner in Turkey! haha sorry for the TMI but yes do not try and take your snake juice rectally! damn I wish I didnt spend £7 today on bigger syringes lol


Can I just clear something up once and for all. I do NOT follow the snake diet and Cole because of his brash and vulgar branding. It does absolutely NOTHING for me to be called a fat cunt etc! I do the diet for one very SIMPLE reason! it bloody works! I respect and admire Cole very much for the fact he helps people for free, doesnt sell an array of expensive products and even the product he does sell he still tells people how to make a version of it themselves. I completely understand why people buy the packs off him just to support him. BUT thats where my respect for him ends. I too tell it how it is etc and definitely am not afraid of the truth but you dont call people stupid and idiots for following your earlier advice than you then tweak and realise YOU were wrong so you dont get to call the amases stupid. But again BRANDING. Cole is very passionate and shock value works! and Ive seen him talking normally and hes always got his arm around people including fatties so I know hes actually a pretty great guy! So anyway to anyone that thinks its big and clever to call people weak on here, stupid or crazy (referring to some stupid bigot on my trial and error posts) I was NOT posting on those to ask your permission I did so to ask the question if anyone had any ACTUAL experience or scientific reasoning as to why you cannot do those kinds of things. You know something constructive! Cole himself says over and over try things out, experiment. Thats exactly what he does! He is no more a professional than any of us. Yes he has more knowledge and experience but how did he obtain it? ONLINE RESEARCH something we all have access to! So if you want to comment on my stuff with USELESS comments than Id rather wish you didnt! peace


https://www.realfirstaid.co.uk/rectal oh yeah I got some of my thinking from here you know actual research


for those that dont wanna read it



Ask or assist the patient to lower clothing below the waist.

The casualty is positioned in the Safe airway Position on their left side. The sigmoid colon bends to the casualty’s left. Positioning on this side encourages fluid drainage into the colon.

Wash hands with soap and water or use alcohol gel. Dry hands thoroughly.

Wear protective gloves (if available).

If water-based lubricant is available (for use with laryngeal airways), lubricate the tube sparingly. In extremis, lubricate the tube with antiseptic cream. Do not be tempted to use sun cream, moisturiser or anything fragranced. Over-lubricating the tube will also increase the likelihood of the tube coming out or going in too far.

Remove the entire mouth piece from the drinking tube and cover the open end with your gloved finger to prevent fluid loss.

Insert the tube 7.5-10cm into the anus, proportionate to the casualty’s height. The main risk is perforating the rectum wall (10).

Take a loop of tape around the hose. Close to the anus, and anchor each end to each buttock. This will a) bring the buttocks together to reduce fluid loss and b) prevent the tube from moving.

Lay the reservoir on top of the casualty’s body.

Package and insulate the reservoir with the casualty to limit heat loss from the reservoir.

The system is gravity-fed, allowing the rectum to absorb only what is needed. Do not be tempted to force fluid into the rectum. They won’t like it. Neither will you.


Recheck the fluid bag. When topping up, record volumes given and at what time. Absorption rates and time frames will be required at handover.

Monitor vital signs. Significant findings are breathing rate returning to a normal range and a detectable radial pulse.

Co-ordinate ongoing transport as soon as possible.

Liaise with the receiving hospital about the need for intravenous access, fluids or blood.

Potential problems include leakage, bowl movements and flatulence.

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