| | Water Fasting

Sometimes you don't truly realise how much weight you've lost...

I recently had an eye opening moment and I wanted to share with you guys (I don’t talk to people irl about fasting lol).

So fasting has helped lose 45lbs over the past year and a half, but I didn’t fully “realise” how much that was until recently. I was packing my bag in preparation for a flight soon, and I needed to weigh it. I had to do the trick of weighing myself first and then weighing myself while holding the bag, because I have a big ass bag and some small ass scales. I’m not a strong person so lifting the bag was very tiring very quickly. Turns put the bag weighed almost exactly 45 lbs… the same amount of weight I had lost.

Idk if this sounds dumb or not lmao but feeling that weight made me fully realise how much I had lost. I almost can’t comprehend how I was carrying that huge weight around on my body with me EVERY DAY for years. I felt proud and fully appreciated the weight I’ve lost for the first time.

Anyway I just wanted to share this moment with you guys haha. If y’all have any stories where you realised how much weight you lost, I’d love to hear them 💕

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Bumped into my good friend at a restaurant a little after water fasting for 1 month (wearing a face mask) and my friend didn’t recognize me at all.

I didn’t feel like I changed a ton either but they were completely shocked.


I don’t think it’s dumb. I did a competition with coworkers once. I was sad because I only lost 13 lbs, and I didn’t win. I worked in a kitchen at that time.

My coworker went to the walk in and came back with 13 lbs of butter. She said “This is how much you’ve lost. Quit being a cry baby.” And it totally blew my mind.


Due to a health issue I regained some weight I lost and I’m having the opposite reactions like “Oh wow my knees don’t feel great after that long walk” and “I better be careful bending over, my center of balance is a little off” or “This outfit doesnt look good anymore on me” or “why is my sleep quality worse” or just feeling less confident socially and in the world.

Its incredible what even a little weight can do to how our bodies feel and function.

I really feel sorry for people who have trouble losing weight. At a certain point its like having an entirely different body with a lot more downsides. I hope things like fasting, inuititive eating, new diet drugs, and better regulations on addictive junk food help because our Western status quo today is just terrible.


Sacks of potatos was my real-world comparison. Carrying one or two 7.5kg/16.5LB sacks the 5 minute walk home from the grocery store would leave my arms and shoulders feeling like they were being pulled out of their sockets, my back aching and hard to straighten when I finally got home and my thighs burning and my ankles and feet aching.

When I lost 35LB (since regained because I am an idiot) I realised I had effectively been walking around with two sacks of potato’s 24/7/365. No wonder I felt tired all the time.


Yeah its crazy, iv lossed 60lb and genuinely didn’t think i was overweight in the first place. Found an old picture of me and barely recognise myself in it.

Need to find something that weighs 60lb now..


I weighed my dog for the first time in awhile last night. He’s 15lbs. I’m so used to seeing 245 (my weight plus his) but last night it said 199 with him and it blew my mind and reminded me how much I had lost

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