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I've been using IF since September and haven't lost any weight

HELP I’ve been doing this since late-September, and I haven’t lost any weight. I’m a 30-year-old AFAB trans man on testosterone (hitting two years later this month). I’m 5’5 at 200 lbs, which is the heaviest I’ve ever been in my life. For the record, I try to eat only from 1 pm-10 pm usually.

On top of using IF, I’ve also been eating under 1500 calories daily. Within the last two weeks, I’ve also tried incorporating more protein into my diet to try to keep myself full longer, and within the last week, I’ve gone down to only eating 1200 calories.

I’ve been tracking everything I eat on MyFitnessPal since I started in September, and I have my fitbit connected to it. I’ve been working out with resistance bands about once a week, but I’ve been scared to do much more because I gain muscle mass easily from the testosterone. I could probably do some more cardio, but I would’ve thought just between IF and the caloric deficit I would’ve seen SOME results by now?

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Also AFAB and on T here. I agree with commenter above—you’re early enough transition that your body comp could be shifting. Also—are you having your levels checked regularly? I found that when my T levels are super high esp free T, it’s a lot harder to lose weight. I’d ask your doc to make sure you’re not overshooting the avg male levels for T or E. Having high T (and really just more T) can raise your insulin levels too, so if you’re still eating a lot of carbs/sugar in your eating window, I’d try going low carb or Keto and see if it makes a difference. Good luck!

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