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I just ran across this diet and am very interested in starting up. I picked up the ingredients today and was not really a fan of the taste. I’ll power through it, but wanted to see if taking the minerals in a small shot of water would work and then drinking fresh water.

Anyone try it that way before?

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You should be sipping snakejuice throughout the entire day, NOT taking the salts all at once. That is how you end up on the commode praying to the porcelain gods.

Friendly suggestion: lurk more, browse the archives.


DO NOT just shoot the snake juice quickly.

Drink throughout the day or you WILL shit your brains out and severely dehydrate yourself, which is the opposite of why you’re drinking snake juice in the first place.


Don’t shoot it or put it under your tonge please.

I was the same as you when I started, start slow and low, the taste WILL grow on you, trust us. I really like it now. You could add some flavor enhancer if you must, but could cause hunger YMMV, but you are mostly making your own gatorade, similar to what they give you in the hospital when dehydrated. It’s great for hangovers if you still drink too btw. The best part is NO hunger after you get the ratios right. You could fast on that stuff for days if need be.

Welcome to the club : )


As many have said. Don’t drink it all at once. 100ml at a time is fine. I do that every 2 to 3 hours depending on activity level. The taste is shit but you will get used to it. Especially as you see the scale number drop. No there isn’t an easier way, at least not anyway that Cole has discovered or anyone else for that matter. This is also good training to break your sugar addiction. Remember this is alot easier then you might think. Don’t eat, drink your snake juice, watch your activity intensity, and refeed very carefully. Preferably on veggies and meat in small quantities. Goodluck and as Cole says, STOP EATING FATTY!


Hey, I know Cole recommended the dry scoop method for a brief period but please, stay away from this. I only speak from experience; 5 days into a fast, the video comes out, I try to dry scoop pink Himalayan salt… not good. Ended up dry heaving on toilet for 10 minutes 😭 Just sip the snake juice throughout the day


I’ve done a modified version of that - where I make a more concentrated snake juice and drink it along side fresh water. In the end, I drink the same amount but I just couldn’t do the whole drink with salts like that. I think I mixed the recipe in 1L and then had another 1L of fresh water beside. I’d try to balance the drinks so I wasn’t overdoing it with either.

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