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Time to Get Real - Accountability Post

39/f, CW:177lbs, GW:150, 18/6 (sometimes 20/4) 5 days a week

Second go around with IF, only about 3 weeks in and no real loss, +/- he same 3-5 pounds week over week. The last time I did IF (a few years ago), I lost about 15 lbs., still drinking and eating the same as I had been but only within my window. “This is the easiest thing ever!” I said.

I thought I could do the same this time around, but alas, it’s not working. I’m drinking about as many calories as I eat and what I eat doesn’t have nearly the nutritional value it should (less than half of the protein I need, too many carbs, etc.). So yeah, I’m counting calories and staying at 1000 or fewer most days, but they’re worthless calories and - surprise - I’m not losing weight.

It’s time to get real. I can’t (and shouldn’t) use my calories for alcohol. That’s insane. I need more nutrition. Basically, I need to stop short-cutting it if I want to see results. Today will be the first day I actually plan what I’m going to eat tonight (based on value, not fun lol), and will not use my calories for alcohol - at least not half or more of them. I’m going to try to cut down to drinking only a couple nights a week, but this is a start. Just wanted to post here because I needed a space to say what I know is true out loud and I’m hoping this will help me hold myself accountable.

Thanks, all.

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Drinking calories does it every time. Doesn’t matter if it’s juice, beer or - my personal favorite - Mountain Dew. At least for me.

I’m only a week into this and just giving up caloric drinks has been averaging me a pound a day of weight loss and a week in I’m already half a stone lighter.

I had to have a hard conversation with myself over whether not having that drink was more painful or was not losing weight more painful.

Good luck and keep it up.

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