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Every time I get to the 12 hour mark of fasting I get brain fog and tired. Is this normal?

Right about that mark or a little after I get so confused and one could say even dizzyish. Is this a normal thing that I should just power through? I tend to get quite anxious during this period as well and it always makes me eat in fear of something bad happening. Is this a normal response?

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This makes me wonder what you normally eat when not fasting, or if you eat differently to transition to a fast. Its one reason why eating a ketogenic diet leading into a fast can help in the transition, as you won’t need to become keto adapted as well as fasting. Typically around the 12 hour mark is where this adaptation begins taking place.

Additionally, if you go from eating 3 meals a day to a longer fast, your body will be in for a rude awakening as it is expecting food at least 12 hours in. I don’t know how long you plan on fasting, but it is helpful to work up to longer fasts. 16-8 eating window, 20-4 eating window, omad, skipping a day of eating/adf, extended fasts. Its hard to go from 0 to 10 in a hurry.

Otherwise, you are probably dehydrated.


I do a hard workout on my first day and it seems to skip all the unpleasant feelings I’d usually get from depleted glucose. Get I to keto as quick as you can. I take antihistamines as well and have no problems.

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