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Tips for a 31 day water fast?

I’m currently on day 7 of an extended water fast and I plan on continuing on to finish my first 31 day fast. I’ve done multiple 10 day fasts before in the past and for the month leading up to this I’ve been on consistent OMAD with weekly 48hr fasts.

I’m 32, male, 6’4”, started this fast at 336lbs, currently at 319lbs (I recognize a big portion on this is just water weight, glycogen stores, GI contents, etc.).

Aside from some mild keto flu at the end of day 3, I feel fantastic and have no problems.

In addition to following the wiki recommendations on electrolyte intake to a t (getting the higher end of the daily intake of Na, K, and Mg) using salt water with Mio and Mg citrate tablets, I am also taking a daily multivitamin and fiber pills morning and evening (to prevent GI distress from my prescription medication).

I am aware of the risk of refeeding after this long of a fast and I am planning accordingly. I will take a full week to get back to full-size meals, starting with at least 2 days of just vegetable and then bone broth. As additional security against refeeding syndrome, I plan on adding a phosphorous supplement (calcium phosphate powder) into my routine around day 17 (2 weeks of supplementation).

I feel confident that I have both the willpower and plenty of fat stores to achieve this goal. But, I was wondering if there is anything I am missing? Any tips, tricks, warnings, or recommendations from folks that have completed 30 day water fasts before?

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That is quite an extended fast. I have been fasting over 20 years and have only gone 5 or 6 days at my longest and even then I have occasionally run into problems. You’ve done a lot of planning but be prepared to stop the fast if you run into any problem that is not minor. For example, heart palpitations or extreme irritability. Good luck with your fast and remember, it you need to cut it shorter than you planned this is not a failure.


Hey friend, I’m on the 12th day of a 42 day fast. You sound ultra prepared. I wish you a successful journey 🎉I have purposely placed myself in a no stress environment. I also don’t exercise or lift my heart rate. Drinking hot water when the stomach growls is a blessing. Also, smelling orange and peppermint oils is heavenly to the senses.

All the best 🧡

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