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Tired of hearing the muscle/fat myth!


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you have it backwards. Muscle takes up less space that fat, because it is more dense. That’s the argument you’re closing with in the marshmallows argument. But all along the way you are ranting that it’s the other way.

I know this is just a vent, but I’m not sure you’ve accomplished anything by doing it. You’re kinda talking in circles and this isn’t even a thing anybody says in here.


You contradict yourself in your post my man, you should have taken a couple minutes to reread yourself and add some punctiation and paragraphs to your rant. I don’t even get what is making you so angry about this ?

There is no “myth” here. Muscle IS significantly denser than fat. A 15% different is not negligeable. Muscle will also be shapen differently, be more evenly distributed on your body, and be more solid; fat tend to be stored more in some areas, and it’s flabby. So yeah, if you keep the same weight but increase your muscle mass, you will look leaner ans skinnier.


A pound is a pound yes, but muscle is more dense. What people are suggesting is 150lbs of muscle is going to LOOK DIFFERENT than 150lbs of fat.

So “muscle is heavier than fat” is a simple way of explaining how people can lose inches, look leaner, but gain weight.

This is especially important for people who judge progress only by the scale. I myself had this moment when I lost weight then could not seem to get the scale to budge. I also didn’t see any changes to my body because people often don’t notice subtle changes. However in trying on old clothes I realized I had lost some inches. So somewhere under my layer of fat I was building dense muscle, which was why the scale wasn’t moving.

I still have some weight I want to lose, but I focus more on clothes I want to fit into than what the scale says.


It’s funny, when you google “does muscle and fat weigh the same” I can find the entirety of your answer copy and pasted from two different websites.

Please don’t act like you’re a know it all and know better than everyone else when all you’ve done is copy what google says in the top two results without doing any actual research yourself.

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