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Two Month Check-In (OMAD)

I posted here about two months back about my weight loss progress with OMAD. In that post I said I would check in again in a couple months. Like my first post, I am just putting this information out in case it’s useful for others who are on or considering a similar strategy.

The headline is that I am down another 17 lbs or so since early October to a new low of 202. That makes 35 pounds lost since the end of August, and a total loss of 53 in the past year and a half or so from a high around 255. It’s slower than I would like, but easily the most effective weight loss strategy I have ever tried. I have had setbacks twice, once in October when I plateaued at 220 for three weeks, and then a big detour the week of Thanksgiving where I first plateaued and then gained back almost 10 lbs from 207 to 216 in a little over a week. However, going back to strict OMAD after the holiday week the weight has poured off at a rate of a pound a day to my current 202. I assume most of what I gained during Thanksgiving was stomach contents and water.

I am not finding it too hard to stick with OMAD most days. Occasionally I feel the need to eat a second meal, I’m which case I might do it and try not to feel too bad about it. It’s easiest to keep to the eating schedule on weekdays when work keeps me occupied.

Maybe I will update again in another two months. I could be getting close to my goal weight of 165 by then. We’ll see.

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Very nice!

I would try to keep in mind that weight loss curve flattens A LOT. (If you thought this was slow, you are in for some major frustration unless you adjust expectation.)

Spot on about not feeling bad when deviating. IF does not depend on absolute strictness, in fact it has some positive effects too, when we deviate. Be it an occasional extra meal, or an extra plate of food during one of our planned meals.

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