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New to the reddit party, thought I’d share my experiences. I did a recent ‘program’ I made for myself, for more of a spiritual fast…to raise the vibration so to speak……I have plenty experience in IF and water fasting, never dry fasted. been doing lots of shadow work this year and wanted a final blast before Spring arrives (I’m UK based) Timing wise the alignment was there. The programme I have set myself coincides with the new moon, and also Shivaratri, the appearance day (birthday) of Shiva, the darkest night of the year, due to moon/planet placement etc, an especially energetically charged time. My program draws to an end a few days of before the Equinox, when I’ll also be doing a plant ceremony, so it’s all aligned perfectly. I’m envisioning myself moving into Spring with a bang; vibration raised, body and mind renewed, lots of work projects and ideas ready to launch. I’m pretty excited about the whole process. Also having a ten day social media ban and limited screen time to also give my monkey mind a rest. Thought I’d share as my goals are a little different with it not being for weight-loss etc.

Looked like this:

· Day 1: 24hr water fast (6pm Sunday to 6pm Monday with an eating window of two hours up, 6-8pm)

· Day 2,3,4: 3-day fruit and veg cleanse with intermittent fasting, eating between 12pm-6pm. Raw.

· Day 5,6,7: Dry fast – no food, no liquid, no nothing, just sunlight and rest. No showers, no ocean, no nothing (hard dry fast)

· Day 8: 24hr water fast from 6pm Sunday to 6pm Monday

· Day 9,10,11: Integration, three more raw days, mainly smoothies and salads.Day 12: Mushroom Ceremony (waheyyyyyyy)

I’m currently on Day 8, so been in a fasted state for almost 96 hours. It’s only at this point that I’m starting to feel a bit dizzy/light-headed, presumable from no food. Surprisingly during the dry fast I ws not hungry once, as the body is in autophagy mode, no hunger is a sign the process is working and the body is in self-eating mode. pretty cool. I also very quickly reached the point where my pee was clear when I went to the loo, another good sign. There was crazy amounts of fantasying about cups of tea on day two of the dry fast, almost caved at one point, but was pure monkey mind so I managed to hang on. day three was easy. When I broke the fast last night, I had a little meditation beforehand and had quite a deep emotional release, cathartic tears, memories surfacing from childhood trauma - I think we hold a lot of trauma in the memory of the water in our body, pretty insightful experience. Also had a long soak - I did absolute fast so no contact with water at all for the 3days, lying in the bath was heaven.

Biggest things to come out of it were probably presence, stillness, awareness, gratitude, was definitely worthwhile.

This morning I was thinking I could probably continue the food fast however as I’m feeling lightheaded, probably best to stick to the plan and break fast this evening. Having a cacao ceremony and some juicy blood oranges. Then I will continue with the raw fruit and veg for the days leading up to the mushroom ceremony.

Overall a really great experience, and I will definitely do this twice a year, on spring and autumn equinox, might even introduce a 24hr dry fast each new moon. I read that 24hr dry fast is more powerful than 3day water fast, and so much easier as you dont get hungry.

Anyway if you are still reading, hope you found this interesting :)

Update: broke fast with a cacao ceremony,deep spiritual purge. Then drank protein shake and immediately had diarrhea, eeeeeek. Slept amazing and woke up at 4am. Felt so awake i got up, had another bath, another emotional purge. Feel brand new.


Day 9 now… waiting for that deep healing that Flionov says happens at this time… maybe its happening, just subtly… sort of lost my voice and feel a bit sick sometimes, but otherwise I’m alright (pretty thirsty though).

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