Hi, everyone! Lately I’ve (28F) had some considerable memory issues that I think were caused by the consumption of Zolpidem to sleep. I used to have a great memory, and it was easy to remember names, dates and facts in...
i’ve been thinking about taking some time to do a 5-7 day fast, longer with my weight allowing. not sure if i have the reserves to go longer as i’m around 130lbs and 5’4 but would love to try as...
Everytime I am doing extended water fasting, I start remembering some very old memories, I don't know if there is any scientific explanation for this. I am wondering if anyone has experienced the same thing before?
So I have a pretty big exam in two months. I was wondering how this diet affects memory/focus/concentration? Also how does your mood/anxiety feel? Will doing this diet make things mentally harder or is it only the first day or two that’s...
I'm mainly asking because there seems to be contradicting information out there. I see a few articles mentioning IF helps mental capacities, whereas others mentioning 'breakfast' boosts cognitive/memory function. Is it possible that technically both provide benefits just using different...
What supplements or foods help with improving memory or forgetfulness?
I think according to Valter Longo that prolonged fasting wipes out your immune cells that then repopulate with new, fresh ones upon refeeding. I have also heard that prolonged fasting can help with autoimmune diseases, where your immune cells attack...
Been wondering if anyone has done "prolonged" sleep fasting or looked into it? It would make sense, that in the same way we are built to handle to go long times without water and food, maybe...
I've been fasting for a while, and just heard about the use of pickle juice within the group. I am plant-based so won't be partaking in the spam component, but would just drinking the pickle juice still have benefits to...
Hey! I just wanted to ask how "deep" can dry fasting get to experience healing from physical and psychological trauma? What have you experienced or what anecdotals have you heard? I have had several issue during my life. I have had...
Just decided to stop IF while I am having Covid. Opinions welcome
Its been a long journey but I've finally reached my goal weight. I also do lazy Keto, workout 5 times week (mostly weights, very little cardio). I supplement with D3, 250 (g) protein per day, omega 3, and magnesium/zinc. Focusing...
Got an exam tomorrow and wondered if there was an optimal food you should eat, regarding cognitive performance, concentration and attention. I heard that walnuts are good for your brain but I havent seen a study for it
Hi everyone, I'm starting a 21 day water fast but I have one of my final high school exam blocks in \~2 weeks. I don't fast a lot (the most I've done was 48hrs about a year ago) but I wanted...
I'm 42m do OMAD for over 8 years, was about 5 years on keto, now low carb. 3/4 times i train fasted (before 1st and only meal of the day), but sometimes i train after longer period (i eat one...
Anyone got any advice one why would he better? Rolling 48s with 1k cal refeeds or rolling 72s with 1.5k cal refeeds
i was supposed to do 36 hours but it’s only been 18 hours. but i rarely get invites from friends so im breaking the fast. i feel sad like i’m putting others before myself but i’ll just start again after...
looking to do either rolling fast until im back to my original weight ( im about 225) my original weight at the start of covid was 180. Want to get back down to that weight but still maintain any muscle...
I’m wondering if there’s anyone that’s been able to hit all of their RDA’s for micros, and if so, how did you feel? Physically? Mentally? What did your diet look like?
I've had chronic back pain for years. I've tried chiropractors, physical therapists, massage, stretching — none of it made an impact. But not eating for 24 hours twice a week makes it go from a 4-9 on the \`1 to 10...
I had a couple of days of “fun” over the weekend with New Year’s, etc. - had some drinks and fried foods that I normally wouldn’t eat, and noticed the scale jumped up 3 pounds today. I’m sure this has...
I'm doing 16:8 fasting. My brkfast consists of an eggwhite with carrots and tomatoes and fat free curd. My lunch and dinner is 60gm oats with 2 different types of veggies and about 60gms of chicken. But still I'm only...
Hi there, I am male, 32 y.o. with normal health and fitness habits doing boxing 4 times a week (before iso). Should I start fast? Does anyone have any decent researches showing any benefits? Thanks!
Post here about fasts you're starting or to provide progress updates in order to minimize overall clutter in the subreddit. Can also ask questions or set up accountability.
I just discovered the world of water fasting last week, and after an early dinner on Saturday I decided to go for it—and my first-ever fast just hit 72 hours. It was surprisingly easy for me, aside from some sleep...
I've been using Zero, and I know not to give too much credence to the zones it gives, as they are guidelines and suggestions. Without actually measuring blood glucose I would be hard pressed to be accurate. Currently doing 18:6 intermittent...
A friend is telling me that he Juice fasts and get's all the benefits of fasting while keeping his bowels moving. He says that is healthier because his bowels don't shut down. I think he is just full of cr@p...
When I first got into fasting I utilised duramine (basically prescribed speed) to kill the hunger pangs, there's a few downsides but it worked. I'm giving it a go again for a 24h fast (I'm working 12 hours today), anyone...
Does drinking plenty of water help?
I’ve been fasting for over 3 years and for the most part, have loved it since I never really ate breakfast or lunch to begin with. On another subreddit I was asking for advice because I feel like I can’t focus...
Looking for meal and snack ideas for someone with really bad GERD. Should not have anything spicy or acidic. Includes coffee which sucks!
I’m about 60 hours into a fast (black coffee & water). What is the longest I can go without needing supplements, electrolytes, and having to go through a slow refeeding process? 5 days, 7, 10, 14?? 35 yr old male,...
I am doing my first dryfast in years, just 48 hours to get the feel for it again. Should i avoid certain foods for refeed or doesnt it really matter when my fast is only 2 days? I was thinking...
I am planning to do 48 hour fast followed by 24 hour of feasting My understanding being most people eat low carb or keto in the fasting period. I was going through different forums and read that KETO increases...
Just curious if anyone has tried these and what's the general opinion is. Saw that add on a plane and like the idea, just not sure where to begin on research if it is actually worth it.
Not eating something because you are not familiar with it.
I oftentimes struggle to fall asleep, and getting out of bed is just as difficult. But when I fast it seems that sleep comes a little easier and I always wake up before my alarm clock goes off when I'm...
I have heard the term sugar burner and fat burner thrown around in the topic of metabolic inflexibility... The idea is that some people are unable to start burning fat, and some seem to suggest that this happens as a...
Are there any studies that show the difference between fasting in water vs black coffee or black tea(nothing added). What do the experts say. Will weight loss be effected if fasting with black coffee or black tea?
I typically train in the morning, come home, black cup of coffee, and then begin work. I will work for around 3hrs or so and then eat my first meal. My second meal comes around 6-7hrs later. I am eating...
* **Type** of fast (water, juice, smoking, etc.) * **Context** of fast (start, end, day x of y, etc.) * **Length** of fast (8 hours, 3 days, etc.) * **Why?** What you hope to accomplish with your fast * **Notes** How is it going...
Hiya! I have done fasting in the past but starting again is always so hard. What are some of your best methods for getting through the beginning phases? (When you’re hungry on hour 4 of a 10 hour fast etc.)...
I used to be the type of person that had to eat every 2-3 hours or I would get really hungry and start getting dizzy, grumpy etc. I would always have snacks with me everywhere I went, I had zero...
Hello, the following thought crossed my mind: Does dry fasting affect vaccinations? Is it possible that dry fasting removes vaccines from the body? I have several vaccinations from my childhood and also youth. Now I wonder if steady dry fasting...
So I had a previous post where I stated that I have done the 16:8 fasting before but I never really noticed any results for about two months. Some people recommended extending the fast, so I started reading on OMAD....
I often thought of cravings as hunger. No more. Fasting has taught me what hunger really is.
Theoretically the food is the same, one is dryed and grinded, the other is whole but both presumably have the same nutrients except for water (except for those nutrients lost in the drying process but one could presumably negate the...
Wikipedia seems to claim the latter, while other sites claim they are extremely high in nutrients.
Hello, I'm trying to understand what Ovaltine is and what malt drinks are and why people would have malt in their drinks I drank some Ovaltine and it just was chocolate milk so I don't understand why it's not just called...
So I’m starting week 4 of IF. Been doing really good 16:8. We’re taking the kids (teens) to Disneyland Jan 1-5. I don’t want to stress on eating/food while on the trip. Do you think all the walking (which is...
... and available in North America. It looks like fresh moringa leaf fits the description, but not typically available in the grocery.
Hi all, I'm new to IF, starting today after doing research for awhile. Looking to lose 15-20 pounds totally and hoping this can help me do it. My question is, in order for this to work, do I need to...
Not really about fasting per se but it must be related. Ever since I started fasting like 6 years ago I'm finding McDs food just tastes like garbage. Before that I must've gone to McDs 4 times a week, at least....
might be a dumb question but im on my second day of a 4day fast, im coming off of a bulk, i want to go to the gym but i worry that seeing as i have literally no protein intake...
I am currently almost complete with day 4 of my planned 7 day dry fast. When I woke up this morning, I noticed I was completely exhausted. I thought about drinking, but I pushed through. My head kept saying, “Going...
Share your answer
been struggling recently would love some encouragement
For the past month and a half I've been doing night OMAD. I'd known about the new researches on syncing your circadian rhythm with your meal times for a while but it wasn't until last week where I decided to...
Does craving oily food indicate that the body wants leafy greens? What is the science behind this? What about other cravings? [Sample Craving Chart](https://imgur.com/a/ECKIxid) ETA: This chart isn't mine; some healthy food prep thing on insta had it up. The chart...
Can I fast after I have breakfast today? I still have noticeable muscle soreness from 2 days ago when I was doing some heavy weight lifting, yesterday my muscle soreness was painful, now it’s not but it’s still noticeable if...
i’m aware that technically at any level of sustained calorie deficit there is some degree of muscle loss, but at about how big of a deficit does there start to be a more significant loss that not even strength training...
Hey guys, so I want to do a short presentation in school about intermittent fasting and I've gathered enough info about the physiological process in the body but I couldn't come across almost any info regarding how does fasting help...
What you do between Christmas and New Year's does not matter as compared to what you do between new year's and Christmas! Take time to enjoy and have fun with friends and family, that will only put you in a...
Hello Guys, Is it a bad idea at 45, going to the gym and building some muscle, I know its pretty fine to do cardio, but how about lifting weight? I'm Intermittent fasting and have lost 10 KG in two...
Hi team, Been trying OMAD again lately (glad that it no longer trigger gastric like how it used to), but I can't really manage to eat 1200 cals or more in just one meal. Maybe if I'm eating fast food that...
Just curious,as I saw Loren Lockman healed himself and also helped alot of ppl with CFS/Me.
Hi All, What does this sub think about the efficiency of Multivitamins (both in a tablet form & dissolvable form)? I have seen various arguments of people and experts claiming they are not effective and majority of it is discarded...
I’m probably going to start fasting again. I work 1st shift and tend to snack as a form of stress-relief. From what I’ve read about other people’s experiences, eating around dinner time tends to make you hungry the following morning....
I know that added sugar contains no nutritional value and can cause inflamation in your arteries, but is it really that bad if no weight is gained?
I really want to start fasting because I need to detoxify my body asap. I have mostly inflammatory illnesses and i need to cleanse, i cannot wait any longer. im kinda already sure that im gonna feel sick and tired...
How are natural sugars perceived in regards to nutrition? Should intake of natural sugars such as in fresh or dried fruits be limited just as you should limit intake with refined sugars? I will use the AHA recommendation of sugar...
I am generally curious about this because people always tell me it’s fiber and GI. But for me white potato is much more satiating compared to oats or even beans. So what exactly makes a carb satiating?
I'm 23Male, i hate how my life is leading. I'm 118kgs and 6.5 height and I look like 30, I used to lift heavy weights two years back but now I left the workout and everything and my chest had...
I've long heard that organic vs. inorganic foods don't really matter due to the non-toxic doses of pesticides...similar to "the dose makes the poison" saying. I then recently read something that was talking about bioaccumulation and how that makes foods...
i been fasting for awhile now but the urge to eat never goes away. i lost a lot of fat and im in maintenance mode but its hard every SINGLE DAY. makes me wanna just give everything up, what is the...
I fasted and did low carb for about 5 months and lost a lot of weight. Im the next year, i decided to stop smoking and ended up gaining rhe weight back. I decided to try to lose weight again this...
In another subreddit someone asked how to lose weight and I replied to do OMAD, but someone replied OMAD is dumb. This lead me to explore OMAD benefits and came up with the following, most apply also to Intermittent Fasting....
[Yesterday](https://www.reddit.com/r/nutrition/comments/satuz1/what_are_the_most_common_micronutrients/) the talk was about vegetarians/vegans. Let's reverse the question! And please, PLEASE provide data to support your claims... I'll start with [this report](https://www.inspq.qc.ca/sites/default/files/publications/931_rapportnutritionadultes.pdf) (Summary [here](https://www.inspq.qc.ca/pdf/publications/983_NutritionResume_FNL.pdf), both in French), which states that for adults in Quebec (traduction libre): - A very small proportion...
I'm trying to shift my perspective of food to a similar perspective toward gasoline in my vehicle. Not some sort of compulsive addiction. No one goes and tops off their gas tank when it's a single bar under...
I’m attempting to do a 10 day fast in order to reach mental clarity. How was your experience? Any differences in mood?
Hi there I am a 21 year old M. I weigh 56Kg am 175cm and have a body fat of roughly 12.5%. I run 3 times a week but not more than 4 km. I have been interested in longer...
I'm posting this as a warning. I suffer from cptsd from abuse i endured in childhood. After seeing improvement while water fasting, mostly due to cutting off carbs I believe, I decided to try a 72 dry fast. I did it mostly...
#Share your daily fast story thread! 📃 ⏳ **Length** of fast (*start/end/total*) ❓ **Why are you fasting?** (ex: *weight loss, other health benefits, spiritual/religious reasons*) 📝 **Notes** (*How is it going so far? Any concerns? Insights to share?*)...
What do I say to someone who says you don't get enough protein with a plant based diet?
So I've seen that a lot of people lose weight with IF, but I'm wondering if that is done solely through IF or a combination of IF, exercise and calorie restrictions? I'm looking to lose about 45lbs (20kg), and I...
I am a 24 old guy with a BMI of 36. I have had problems with my weight since I was a kid and always thought it is what it is and did nothing about it. But after following this...
I have been on intermittent fasting 16 8 for seven days. Doing well feeling great just fantastic. I agreed to make a double batch of chocolate chip cookies for my sisters special rec group. I thought I would handle it...
Heard a fitness instructor this morning say how bad avocado toast was (just in conversation) because it is a carb and a fat. Someone comments and says it is a “good” fat and if you have good bread, it’s fine!...
ADHDer here. Is it something in the way we're eating? Glyphosate usage? Air pollution? Micronutrient deficiencies? What in the environment is causing these disorders? Something must be epigenetically triggered in us, if not outright DNA damage from SOME source that...
* **Type** of fast (water, juice, smoking, etc.) * **Context** of fast (start, end, day x of y, etc.) * **Length** of fast (8 hours, 3 days, etc.) * **Why?** What you hope to accomplish with your fast * **Notes** How is it going...
What are your thoughts about it guys? People claim it to cause metabolic disease or even linked it to stuff like ADHD. Is it really that bad? 😳
Hello all, I am curious what your tips are to make veggies more palatable without losing their nutrients?
I thought this could be an interesting exercise/discussion for all of us. I’m very curious to hear what you all have to say. I’m wondering, for those of you who feel you have lacked self-discipline in the past and/or issues with...
Alright, so I believe I that saturated fat is generally bad for you. That olive oil or most other oils are often a good replacement for butter and animal fat for both frying and consuming cold/raw, and doing so will...
So I just finished my third extended fast, made it to 96 hours this time. The "old, junkiest proteins first" idea seems to hold true, as last time my knee injury cleared up and this time my elbow injury healed, and...
Today something really unfortunate happened to me. I went to a cycling class and the two front desk girls looked at me then at each other and laughed. This is the first time something like this has happened and to...