| | Water Fasting

What effect does extended fasting have on blood results, specifically calcium?

My blood calcium was recently tested at 11.7 on day 42 of my water only fast. PTH is normal. I’ve read online that 25% of patients with parathyroid disease have normal PTH levels with elevated blood calcium. Any insight from knowledgeable folks would be greatly appreciated!

3/8/21 Update- Broke my fast on 2/26/21. Calcium was tested again and is now at 10.5. I am 21 for reference. Total length of water only fast was 57 days (no additional salt, vitamins or mineral supplements). I drank Gerolsteiner glass bottled water and consumed nothing else.

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I only know that this happened to my Mother and after years of the drs ignorance and wait and see attitude, it eventually lead to her having surgery (which took all of 15 minutes) and greatly improved her quality of life. However it still lead to her death and a huge settlement from the drs. Please take this seriously, especially if you just found out and get it medically evaluated and handled. My Mom was so unhealthy and unhappy I would hate to see anyone else in the same predicament.

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