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What’s the best spiritual fasting method?

I’m a Christian looking to be more connected spiritually and clean out my body with toxins. I plan to start Monday. I was thinking of a water/tea fast. Any advice?

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My mom did a 3 day spiritual fast with water only, she generally spent the entire time meditating with the bible and journaling while sitting in the balcony. After the fast she did something called the daniel fast for 21 days for a healthier clean slate.

Edit: I’m not familiar with it but the daniel fast is not really fasting, it’s more-so a meatless diet of sorts


Go for one or two days at first, maybe Sunday night to Tuesday night (eat dinner Sunday night and then fast for 48 hours and have a light dinner Tuesday night)

Green tea will taste good, keep you from being too hungry, and help you focus if you’re meditating.


Very good. Yes, I have done precisely this and here is my preferred methodology:

  1. Skip the tea. Do water only.
  2. Set aside at least one hour in the morning for a “holy hour.” This is where you sit in silence in the presence of God and pray. If you have a hard time praying that long, it is okay to sit in silence. Or say the Lord’s prayer. Or say the Jesus prayer (“Lord Jesus Christ Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.”) Or find a short Bible verse you can meditate on. I was drawn to Song of Songs 2: 16 “my beloved is mine (inhale) and I am his (exhale)” … but find your own verse from the Word that speaks to you if you like.
  3. Include pornography, drugs, and any other unclean vices on the list of things you are abstaining from for the duration of your fast. You are already skipping food, so go ahead and clean out your entire heart to make yourself holy and make room for God to enter your heart.
  4. Aim for at least 3 days, up to 7-10 days max.
  5. Combat boredom, hunger, or weakness by turning to the Word. Man does not live on bread alone, after all.

Best of luck!


My only advice is remember the focus is on God. Not you. Not the fast. Fasting isn’t the miracle lever to make God do what we want. There is loads of info in this sub on how to fast well. Just keep the main things the main things.

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Categories: tea the daniel fast meat dinner morning heart weak to fast