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~1 Month Post-Fast, Still No Shark Week

Hey all! Title is pretty self-explanatory. I completed a series of fasts, each anywhere from 24-100 hours long with breaks in between. I felt great the whole time and made a ton of progress!

However, it’s been a month of no fasting since then and I haven’t gotten my period. It’s not even late at this point, I completely missed it. I’ve taken a bajillion pregnancy tests, all negative, so I’m 99% sure that’s not the issue at hand. It’s just odd because while I was fasting, shark week came on time without issue. Regardless, I’m still wondering if fasting may have caused this as it’s the only lifestyle change I’ve made in the past 3 months or so, and I’ve never completely missed a period before like this. I’m usually pretty regular, at most I’ll be a few days late.

Shark week should have been here about 2 weeks ago. I’m going to the gyno soon so I can find out whether I should be concerned about it, but I just wanted to know if any of you had any similar issues and if so, any potential solutions (i.e. how did you make it come back)? I’d feel a lot less concerned about it if shark week would just show up by now. I’ve never wanted a period so bad in my life!

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Using my hubs account to comment on this- my sister told me the other day that stress during ovulation can suppress it, which in turn will keep you from having your period. Perhaps repeated fasting caused just enough physical stress to supress ovulation? Just a thought.

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