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14:10 am I the only one?

Only my 1st week in, but I struggle just doing this time frame. I officially hit my highest weight recently and finally said I need to change. Fasting is a big change, especially not eating after 5pm anymore. This hunger pains suck especially before go to bed. Still working in the type of food I eat, and the snacking during the day. Exercise isn’t even a thought yet, because I barely find the time.

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Bro I did 14/10 for like a month and a half when I first started and saw myself lose about 5 to 8 lbs. Once you get that down it’s much easier to get to 16/8. What helped me alot was drinking black coffee in the morning and taking magnesium and MSM. It keeps your hunger away so much easier.. might help toy as well. Good luck man you can do it. Any questions feel free to message new


Some info would be good too, I suppose. 340 lbs 44 , 2 Heart attacks in my 20”s, a stroke, and a pacemaker as of 2019. All the tropes of cardiovascular mess haven’t weighed under 270 in 20 some odd years.


I started with 12:12 in early February, I slowly increased it to 15:9 by adding half an hour to fasting window. Now I am at 15.5:8.5 😊 still not able to go to 16:8 but lost 9 lbs in process so far. It’s slow and steady for me. SW 166 CW 157 GW 140

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