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28 hrs into a(n unintentional) 41 hr fast

Hello all!

Long time lurker, occasional commenter, first time poster.

I’ve been sticking to a 16:8 schedule, with the random 18:6 thrown in every now and then, since mid-October. I was fed up with how big I had gotten and decided to finally do something about it (32F SW:??? CW: 205 GW: 150). I saw a photo of me from an outing with the family and I was mortified. I didn’t want anyone else to see it, and I knew with the holidays approaching, I didn’t want to be embarrassed seeing family for the first time in years.

I’m really wanting this to be a lifestyle change and for the weight loss to happen slowly and steadily. And so far so good! I didn’t actually weigh myself until mid-November..partly because I was scared, and partly because the batteries in our scale were dead. I finally replaced them after a month of IF, and from that moment to now I’m down 7lbs!

Anyways…back to the title.

I typically eat from 11a-7p (sometimes earlier depending on when we eat dinner), but today at around 10:30a I realized I wasn’t really hungry, so I made myself some tea and decided to see how long I could make it past that 11a mark. The next time I glanced at the clock it was 1:30p and I still had no desire to make myself something to eat. I blew through the 3p mark, and still wasn’t hungry as I made kiddo dinner at 5:30p. I wrestled with the idea of doing OMAD today, but even at 7p when my window typically closes, I still wasn’t hungry at all. I decided to just call it, close my window, and wait until tomorrow to reopen it at normal time.

This is the first time I’ve fasted longer than about 18-19 hrs and so far I’m feeling pretty great. I’m pretty hungry at the moment, don’t get me wrong, but the hunger didn’t start until about an hour ago. I’ve decided to go easy on myself and allow some broth if it gets unbearable, but I also might just try to go to bed to pass the time a bit quicker.

Anyways, I just wanted to share and maybe distract myself a bit from the growling in my stomach.

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This is how I did my first 72 hour fast. It was supposed to be 36 hours but I felt fine so I extended it to 48. At the 2 day mark I still felt good so extended it to 60 hours. The last few hours were a stretch but I figured I’m almost there why not make it 72. At the end of those three days I felt the best that I’d felt in decades. My mind was clear and sharp my mood was improved, no anxiety it was amazing. Currently 1 day 17 hours into my first 5 day fast and already broke through a plateau I was stuck at for a few weeks. Wish me luck lol.

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