So I’m in a line of work where people routinely have ill effects from overtraining/over exertion (passing out, tearing muscles, heart attacks). I’ve gotten used to everything finally and can get out of survive to the next day mode. I was going to start pushing myself with a fast from 9p Thurs to 9a Sat every week. Anything midweek isn’t safe.
The major question/deal breaker is, if I have multiple orders of pancakes and two milkshakes to break my fast on Saturday morning, did I cancel out the health benefits? (Has to be Saturday because I need to start eating perfect again 24hrs before Mondays day starts.)
We essentially work doubles from Monday to Friday off sat sun and go hard the whole time, so a calorie deficit is guaranteed. I’m mostly just doing this for the non weight loss related benefits. But my motivation for life right now is the massive Saturday breakfast 😂.
Tl;dr can I break a 36hr fast with a double serving of milkshakes and extremely sugary pancakes and still benefit from the fast. Mon-Fri I basically do a HIIT class 14hrs a day every day, I’m at a caloric deficit even without fasting. That breakfast is important to me as it is, I have it every week and will choose it over fasting if needed as weight/fitness is not an issue. Thank you!
Yes, it is important what you break fast with. I think it was spoken of by either Dr. Huberman or Dr. Cyves but I am not likely to find the podcast soon.
That breakfast will unbalance anyones blood sugar. You do you. Good luck mysterious person.
Your line of work sounds risky if not downright dangerous. I wouldn’t fast because you say that you are in calorie deficit every day. I would think your body needs protein to repair damage done by your workouts.
Gotta say, I don’t know what benefits of fasting you are hoping to reap with such a plan if weight loss is not important to you and you already eat that way on Saturdays and don’t have a problem with your weight. But there’s nothing to say you are not allowed to try your plan at least experimentally and just see how you feel and whether you notice any benefits over your current eating patterns.
Sounds extreme to extreme… Boot camp guy, but try it if you want…how about breaking the fast with something like a protein shake and a banana and then have your big awesome breakfast with extra bacon! My son in law is into Wim Hoff…you might dig that.
I’m not your doctor, so take care of medical consultation as you need to. That caveat aside: