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48hour fast 2x a week while running 21 miles?

Hello everyone I’ve been doing OMAD since 2018 and I just recently mastered it last year but I’m going up a bit since late last year I Omad everyday with cheat days every so often and Friday through Sunday I run 7 miles a day so 21 miles a week. I just did my first 48 hour fast going to wrap it up this evening but so far so good I drank black coffee to keep my brain functioning in the process I just ran 7 miles on a 48 hour fast definitely a interesting experience! But I was thinking doing 48hr fast Monday-Tuesday & Saturday-Sunday and doing my normal Omad Wednesday-Friday still maintaining my workout routine of running 7 miles Friday-Sunday. Would I be doing to much with the 48hr? Just curious don’t expect 48hr to be long term I’ll probably go back to straight Omad after I reach a goal.

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I do rolling 48s and run 24 miles per week, but it is 4 miles 6 days a week. So a little different than you. I don’t drink coffee, green tea instead. I don’t drink green tea until after my runs, late morning. I think you will be fine, you are probably second-guessing yourself because the 48s are new to you. You’ll adjust pretty quickly I suspect. All the best to you!


Check out Evian French Alps Spring water. That stuff has KCl in it.

When I first got into fasting I started the Snake Juice Diet, KCl, pink salt and baking soda mixed in with water whole fasting. I worked construction dawn to dust five days a week while fasting. Ate on the weekends. Did that for like 3 months, lost my strength due to keto transformation, then regained it after a month or so.

Exercise worked great for me whole fasting. Not exercising on the first day of the fast isn’t the same since the exercise really can kick you into ketosis.

But ye, I keep them electrolyte levels up when fasting more than 24 hrs.

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Categories: omad 48 hour fast evening coffee tea morning to fast juice diet pink salt baking soda keto ketosis