So I have a juicer, a fairly expensive Breville that has been sitting in my cupboard for at least 5 years. I’m moving soon and I’m trying to decide whether to keep it or cast off the dead weight. Here...
On September 20th, I started my fast drinking only water and 2 Celsius per day. Celsius, is an energy drink that states it “accelerates metabolism”&”burns body fat” by putting your body in thermogenesis state that utilize ingredients such as Green...
Hi all, simple question, is it okay to drink regular water during my Spam and Pickle diet? Didn’t know if drinking regular water instead of snake juice, will flush all the electrolytes out my body that I’ve just eaten. Thanks!
Sex Male: Age 20s Weight 172 Wishing to ask for principles atound which to build a monthly diet for someone who is living alone.
I'm starting OMAD and snake juice now. Only about 25 lb from my goal weight. Anybody else try this?
Just a random thought
It’s supposed to be close to the water we used to drink right? So shouldn’t we just drink it all the time?
Cole Robinson suggest maxing baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) when having the apple cider vinegar during the fast. This is to neutralize the ACV so it doesn’t damage our teeth. Does neutralizing the ACV compromise it’s properties? I notice he didn’t...
Almost done with a 7 day juice cleanse. What foods should i refeed with? And for how long? A general timeline would be great. Thanks
I’m around 3 weeks in lost around 28 pounds or so , I find my self not needing the snake juice I don’t get the headaches my energy levels are good I’m currently doing rolling 48s so far so good...
I heard someone mention something about mixing MIO with their Snake juice and was wondering if that was alright to do. Never tried it before but im trying to buckle down and get used to 48 hour fasts first then...
Looking for good e-books that teach more about bodybuilding type dieting and nutrition.
You always hear about certain things causing cancer or cognitive decline but is any of it true? Are there any foods we eat which can cause health problems unrelated to diet?
Assuming you chose low sodium
I just bought potassium tablets, i have salt , epsom salt lime juice and ACV will this still be snake juice ?
First question, do I drink them in the morning at the end of my fasting session OR do I drink them in the evening before going to bed? Second question, does drinking them break my IF?
Is Eating 30% carbs, 30% fats, 30% protein bad for you? Does it really matter?
I’m on a carnivore diet so that might change things up
Also considering than chilies have more vitamin c than oranges. Is it worth using more seasoning and spicing up our food?
It's a punishment i gave to my own self. Such a health punishment to begin with, who know i might get those 7 pack Abs by the end. Lol
I did the snake 🐍 diet a few months ago and lost 17 pounds .I need to loose 20 pound more but to be honest I can stand the snake juice I can not passed it through ...
This shit tastes gross. It’s not overwhelmingly bad but does anyone have any advice on how to make it taste better? Mio?
Anybody know if Cole still recommends this?
I wondered if anyone has tried it and how it worked out for you. If like to hear ppls experience. ProLon - for $189 you get bars and shakes and such to eat everyday to get you through a 5...
Has anyone done coffee enemas while doing snake juice? The enemas aren't for weight loss, it's for a health condition.
I’m sorry if this isn’t a question for this sub, but I’m curious. This could go for any juice or non-water drink.
I've been fasting for a while, and just heard about the use of pickle juice within the group. I am plant-based so won't be partaking in the spam component, but would just drinking the pickle juice still have benefits to...
Hi all! I'm curious to know if it's possible for an active runner to no lose (or even gain) fat/muscle through their diet. Are there specific things to do other than calorie surplus and extra protein intake? Thanks!
Has anyone had success with a 16/8 or 18/6 fasting plan while drinking diet soda during your fasting time??
So, i've known and heard about the fact that most juice and concentrated juices are full of sugar and are far from being healthy drink to add in a diet. My question is concerning those juices that I can found...
According to my Google searches, chloride is an electrolyte. I couldn't find much info about where it comes from though. One of my theories is tap water, but I honestly have no idea. Thank you!
During a well maintained nutritional ketosis, how much of a negative impact fruits/fructose cause to the body? Obviously body gets kicked out of ketosis immediately, but what is the process and is there any damage to lean muscle tissue while...
Hey everyone, I’m new-ish to Reddit and new to the Snake Diet subreddit, but have years of experience with IF and extended fasting (but so far only up to 5 or 6 days). I have at least 67 pounds to...
I'm 3 days into my water fast and have been craving something new to taste. What other alternatives or things can I stuff onto my tongue that won't cause a break? I'm new to all of this and I'm tired...
Sorry if this is a common question, but I was wondering if you should force yourself to drink the snake juice even if you aren't thirsty? How much "should" you drink in a day?
So, in the mornings I tend to wake up realllly thirsty and can drink 32oz almost imediatly. If I replace this with snake juice wouldn't that just make me sick? If I chugged it all?? But then how do I...
i am doing a 72h fast, i wonder if i should start drinking snake juice 12h after eating or should i wait at least 24h? i heard first day sodium isnt important as potassium, maybe should i drink snake juice...
I'm curious what your dietary and metabolic preferences are, as fasters. What's your preferred diet, what are you eating most of the time (and especially between fasts), and why? [View Poll](
I'm just getting into extended fasting, normally all i'll drink is coffee, water, and bouillon, but I do occasionally crave a diet soda. So i'm wondering if during an extended fast, like 3+ days, a...
Hey fellow snake dieters! Just wanted to share as it’s been a game changer for me with longer fasts. Hot snake juice is amazing! I boil water and add the proper amount of salts to 16oz of hot water and it...
Just curious how y’all drink your snake juice, do you just pound it a couple times a day or do you sip it throughout the day? What’s easier and does it matter how you drink it?
Hello everybody! I am trying to find more information about the Gracie diet, and I’m having a little difficulty doing so. I’m looking for research into the diet and more credible sources other than the main website, which is obviously...
what is the difference between the snake juice and the ringer serum used un hospistals?
Is it better to drink natural sugarcane juice than coke or other beverages with added sugar or is it just the same thing?.
It’s been a couple of years since I had Snake Juice, and I know Cole has refined the recipe a few times. So, what’s the latest?
So....snake juice is doing something odd with the downstairs plumbing. I'm like an open fire hydrant when I go to the bathroom. What's up with my number 2s?
Snake-Juice doesn’t sound very enjoyable to drink, I think if I heated it up it would be more palatable. Also, with a dry fast, why do I need to avoid all water? Eg showers. Thanks
Hey fellow fatties!👋🏼 Anyone try the 37 Protocol? Which was 1. 7 days fasting MAX 2. 3 days fasting MIN 3. Never eat 2 days in a row 4. Snake juice while fasting 5. 1 meal refeed; low carb
Hi everyone, I follow the official (probably) recipe of snake juice, that is: 1/2 tsp sodium chloride (I use iodized salt) 1 tsp potassium (I use potassium pill) 1 tsp sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) 1/2 tsp magnesium sulphate (epsom salt) 0.5 L water. This is...
Hi all, while intermittent fasting, will drinking a diet gatorade or diet ice tea drink knock you out of fasting?
I hear that if you're someone who really rarely eats vegetables and fruits, that the nutribullet is something that could really benefit you since you're missing out on a lot of key health ingredients. I hear that apparently if you juice?...
Hello, I want to fast with a 72hr routine. Currently I do 48’s with no snake juice and it’s going great. If I do 72’s, can I just eat a lot of minerals during a refeed to stay fine?
What are the differences..?
I’ve always been tempted to add freshly squeezed lemon juice to my hot water in the morning, but I’m afraid that doing that would break my fast so I usually save my hot lemon water for my first meal. Any thoughts?...
I’ve read a few older books that advise breaking fasts with juice which seems contrary to avoiding the dangers of refeeding syndrome. Does anyone know where the origins of breaking fasts with juice or fruit came from?
I know I'am asking a lot of question. It seems that eating keto would help and accelerate the process of fasting. Would a keto diet be egal in term of health of a dry fast?
If I make the Snake juice recipe, is that for the whole day? I drink 2 gallons of water, so can I just add the snake juice to my normal daily intake thru out the day otherwise I’d have that...
Any ideas on what I should avoid / eat more of? Any other advice? Thank you :)
So i started the 5:2 diet, so far i eat 500 calories on the fasting days, and eat normally on my eating says. I stick to eggs and low calorie veggies on fasting days. I haven't seen any changes so...
If natural flavors are extracts (like vanilla extract which has 40 cal per tbsp) shouldn’t they have calories? Is this why diet drinks can stall weight loss?
I am new to intermittent fasting, doing 16:8. Are you supposed to follow any type of diet when doing this like low calorie, high protein, etc… or can you eat what you normally eat within reason?
Hello! I know nothing about nutrition so I apologize if this question is incredibly stupid, but I'm curious. In ATLA, Aang is studying with a guru who feeds him only onions and bananas and says it's a balanced diet to...
I've been starting the Snake Diet after being called a fatty on YouTube. I've been watching a lot of Cole's videos but I can't seem to find a definite answer. Do I ONLY drink sips of Snake Juice throughout the...
Hi guys, Sorry if this has already been asked but I’m planning a big cycle of 48 but I’m unable to find the ingredients for the snake juice. Is there any other people from Europe who have trouble finding potassium ? Any...
Maybe a silly question, but I have a habit of swishing the water around my mouth sometimes when drinking it to keep my mouth clean. Is this a bad idea? I make the snake juice with just potassium, salt, and baking...
Hello all i am starting my 5 day fast tomorrow never posted on here before. I need someone to help me get through these 5 days please! Can someone fast with me ? Lets keep each other accountable. I have...