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7 day dry fasting (first time)

Dear dry fasters, I hope you’re all doing well. I have been doing water fast for over ten years but only short ones, 36 hs weekly… After I have discovered dry fasting I fell in love with it and now I only do dry fast as my weekly 36 hs fast. I am wondering if I could dry fast for 7 days in the end of the year… is it doable? let me know your thoughts. Thank you. Love this subreddit

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I am now on 48 hours i want to make 4+ days if it’s possible. Most hours i lie in bed watching movies at tablet and also i use a little computer. But no movement so far. I need to keep my energy.

Always when i am near 3 days i have leg pain ( no cramps ) and some difficulty on sleep.. Let’s see now.

But i agree, if it’s you 1st time dry fast, then keep it low.


Dry fasting is too complicated to just simply go at it and see what happens.

It’s dangerous too.

Do you know how to rehydrate, do you understand electrolyte balance?

Do you know what your refeed is going to be?

Do you know how to eat or prepare your body before hand?

Do you understand that you will not be able to work, mentally nor physically and perhaps even function improperly emotionally for not only the duration of the fast but even for much after the fast has been broken? If so have you scheduled time off for a semi-retreat?

I would say that these are the very minimum. And go for 3 days and pay close attention to your heart rate and how you feel. Fatigue is normal, exhaustion and high heart rate is warning/danger zone.


I fasted for 7 days had a water day in between and then did 7 days again. Having a good plan for your refeed after is important (full water day before proper refeed at least). Keep in mind did 3-5 day dry fasts periodically over a year to build up to 7 days straight.

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