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Advice on not losing motivation

. Hello. New to this fasting thing but have been a long-time lurker. I’m 36M and 5’10 recovering from substance use disorder ( just celebrated 5 years sober during the holidays 🥳).To make a long story short I clocked in at my highest on Dec 5th (378 lbs). Shortly after I got COVID and It really messed with my stomach only allowing me to eat a couple of times a day which morphed into IF, and since Dec 23rd into walking and working out. I weighed in at 357 this morning and I should be ecstatic as that makes 21lbs down for me, however that is the same weight as last week 🤨….. How do you deal with impatience and not giving up? My brain is always trying to make me say f*ck it and keep to my old “easy” habits. Any advice on how to mentally deal with plateaus would be helpful.

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Keep going!There will be times when the scale doesn’t move…but changes are taking place.I’m using measurements & how clothing fits (no scale at home).I’m also seeing better sleep, reduced tummy grumbling, an urge to move more & less cravings.

Be patient & kind to yourself 😁❤


Weight loss is not linear and the scale will not always show what is going on within our body.

Just know that if you are eating less, eating healthier, and exercising, you are going in the right direction.

If seeing the scale stay the same, maybe don’t weigh yourself so often. I don’t weigh myself, at all, I know I am losing because of my clothes (and I know I’m eating less).

Yes, we get impatient but as they say, the time is going to pass, either way. Giving up will just put you right back where you were, having to start all over. Besides, this is something you will have to continue, in some way or another, for life, if you want to keep the weight off and be healthy. So, it’s not really about motivation (which is temporary and fleeting).


I try to remember that weight loss is only one of the reasons I’m doing IF. Health is another and very strong one. I try to find pros of doing IF. Today, I noticed that my fingernails seem stronger and well formed. Seems trivial, but every single thing counts. I’m not bloated, my tummy is in peace, my skin looks better, I can fit in one size smaller clothes, I feel better, lighter, happier, etcI know that if I want to be successful, it means IF is for a long haul for life. It’s a lifestyle.

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