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Beginner Here! Tips, Advice, and motivation wanted 😩

Hello! I’m a 5’1 (or maybe closer to 5’2) female at 152 lbs as of this morning. Ive been putting this off and making up excuses for a long time, but thankfully after a month or so of research I’ve finally said enough is enough and I really want to get down to 120 by trying out the snake diet. It would be nice to hear other people’s experiences (especially petite women) and how their health and weight loss journeys improved! I’ve already got what I need to make snake juice and I’ve went ahead and started making bone broth in advance for later use. I want to try doing rolling 48s/ OMAD low calorie refeeds. Is there anything I’m missing?

Also, would it be possible for me to lose all my extra weight in 2 months? Or even 1?

Thank you all!

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dropping 20lbs in 1 month is a lot for your height and starting weight so more realistically would say 2-3. Myself a 6ft 3in 212lb man (238 Starting) lost that 26lbs in a month with rolling 72s. Its important to remember not to set yourself to an extreme goal bc if you don’t meet it right away it can be discouraging. Just set small goals like 10 lbs in the first month and you’ll be more motivated to stick to it. Feel free to message me if you need anymore advice I always love to help out!


Hey fellow shorty! I’m 5’3”, started at 210. Started snake diet May 1st lost a total of 40 pounds. I’ve stalled a bit this month, but have been dry fasting the past couple days and got past my plateau. My goal is 120 or ripped AF!

I did keto refeeds, eating more healthy fat than anything so lots of guac/avocados. I’ve been more active in the past 5 weeks, and that’s helping me with some non-scale victories. I love doing rolling 48s/72s. Constantly mixing it up, with a few dry fasts thrown in.

My only complaint is that having lost so much weight so quickly, my hair is thinning out and I’m losing hair in clumps. So I’ve been taking a multivitamin, along with some OTC hair treatment. I’m also taking collagen bc why not? I know that extreme changes in diet can affect hair, and that hair cycles change every 2-3 months, so hopefully by the end of the year, I’ve met my health goal and my hair improves.

I’m happy to answer any other questions you have or you can message me also. I think it’s def possible you can meet your goal in about 6 weeks if you focus hard and get through that first week. I dropped 8 pounds in a week, it can be done!!


I say start off being realistic that you will lose 1-2 lbs/week through #OMAD. You may want to work your way up to #OMAD if this is your first rodeo : 3 meals with NO snacking, 2 meals, then OMAD to rolling 48s. For me I say drink the snake juice first thing in the morning to prevent issues later. Rather than low calorie focus on low carb. Also look into cruciferous veggies ie cauliflower and Brussel sprouts bc they generate even less of an insulin response. If you haven’t already I highly recommend reading the obesity code by Jason Fung. I went from 251lb to 225 in about 4 months, but that is because I was not consistent. I would say try having a cheat day (just one day) no more than once a month of you want good consistent results. Also for the cheat day eat some really good carbs avoid anything that is highly refined or processed, not only are the bad for you they can also take you out of ketosis.

Good luck and welcome.

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