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Any sources about nutrition for beginners?

So i’ve find out the Dr Berg and Thomas DeLauer’s channels and i’ve find myself in a situation of being overwhelmed with information and i dont know if i can trust these guys. Is there any good and scientific material wich i can learn the fundations of nutrition? It can be books, sites, articles, whatever, i just want to know the essencial so i’ll can take decisions on my own

And sorry for my bad english, its not my first language and im trying to improve it

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I don’t know either of the two people you’ve mentioned but a quick Google has told me all I need to know. If you want real science based info then avoid them like the plague. They appear to have a vested interest in keto only. You are unlikely to get objective and unbiased info from them.

Maybe the book mentioned above will be a good start.


In defense of food is a good book for beginners. The Author reminds readers about what ‘real’ food really is. There is a tendency that people forget what healthy eating is because they get so caught up in the latest nutrition craze.


Oh god not those guys lol!

If you’re talking about YouTube, check out Shredded Sports Science and Biolayne. They often discuss papers, and are also entertaining when they debunk social media BS.

Examine.com is a good source for starters.

Follow exercise & nutrition scientists like Stuart Phillips, Kevin Hall, John Speakman, Eric Helms, Alan Aragon, Brad Schoenfeld, Eddie Jo, etc. so that you can get direct scientific, no BS information & news w/o any of those influencers’ influence.


There is so much informations about diet and weight loss plans no wonder people gets confused, I honestly go for healthy food that are low calorie dense to maintain a caloric deficit for weight loss, I got very testu recipe you could try


Hey man, no you can not trust either of those guys. They just spew bullshit information and “shortcuts” to fool beginners who want fast results. Delauer is on PEDs for sure so his physique doesn’t represent what you would get if you eat the way he does if you’re natural. Dr. Berg is not a medical doctor I think he is a chiropractor or something. Everybody knows what healthy nutrition is, eat a lot of veggies and fruits, enough protein and fats and eat the rest in carbs.


Weston Price “nutrition and physical degeneration” (basic one for EVERYONE! Especially if you are gonna have children next few years, don’t make mistakes my parents did🥲) + Natasha mcCampbell about GAPS

Ray Peat(!!) All roads lead to Rome, oh, sorry, I mean to Ray + “Cu-re your fatigue” by Morley M. Robbins


https://youtu.be/DIP9kINN_ao i really liked Dr. Berg’s latest video from yesterday. he has a team of independent researchers helping him with videos and is willing to go against the grain and speak his truth even if it isn’t the “popular truth”


I’ve been watching Thomas Delauer for a few years and I honestly think he’s legit? I tend to watch him to get summaries of new literature. There are a few ideas he talks about that I have followed and seen good results


You know what they say you are what you eat. They have done medical studies showing that people who eat their fruits, vegetables and drink water fight off infection a lot better and it also speeds up the healing process. You got to eat your fruits and vegetables or else no dessert. You are what you eat. Got to eat your fruits and vegetables or you cannot be excused from the table. You are what you eat. They have done medical studies showing that people who eat their fruits, vegetables and drink water not only fight off infection a lot better and it speeds up the healing process. Got to eat your fruits and vegetables or no dessert. You are what you eat.


It helps me recall of times when I used Okibetonic Secrets to lose 17 lbs and enjoy being healthy again! Most people would like to lose fat, but we also require to stay healthy, which is what exactly Okibetonic Secrets gifted.

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