| | Water Fasting

Anyone else feel like we’re all in on a cheat code?

Most of my life, I’ve been heavier than I wanted to be. I would try dieting and it left me hungry and cranky, so it would never last. If I was working out, it would just make me hungrier and the calorie intake would overtake the expenditure.

16:8 is easy for me if I keep my noonish to 8ish schedule. My weight stays where I like it, and now I enjoy clothes because I like how they look and feel. I wish I had always known about this.

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Yes! I heard about IF a while ago, but it took me until this year to give it a try. I wish I had tried it years ago. My relationship with food has become so uncomplicated, my weight is adjusting, and I don’t have those cravings anymore that had nothing to do with hunger. With the way I ate previously, I was circling the drain, and IF seems to be a way out for me. Sometimes I wonder if it can actually be that simple.


It gets even weirder if you try long term fasting (24h+), you have no mental fog, your energy is through the roof, and you feel like you could keep going without food forever - until your body really needs it. It’s pretty interesting.


Same! I used to cycle between intense cravings, restrictive eating, and binging. Exercise used to make me feel starved. But now with IF, I have none of those peaks and valleys. My gut is restored, and I don’t even really think about food other than planning a meal.

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