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Are there any teachers here? If so, what is your fasting schedule like?

I’m really struggling with finding a way to do 16:8 with my schedule. I am usually up by 6am and in bed by 10 pm, but I don’t think I could make it till 11-12 before needing something to eat. We also have a toddler who needs to eat dinner around 6 pm. How do you do it?

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I do 8p to 12 noon and I wake up at 5a most days. Just drink water or coffee to satiate if it’s that bad and keep busy. :) lately I have been trying to extend not eating right away at 12 by a couple hours with a tsp of coconut oil in my coffee.


Start it over a break (hi winter break!) so you get used to it. I do 16:8 (12pm - 8pm) and have two young kids and have a full day of classes daily. You get used to it but the first week or so is a big adjustment.


I’m an elementary teacher with two pre-school kiddos at home. During the school week, I fast all day until after I get home from school and pick my kids up from daycare. I generally end up doing 20-23 hour fasts each day during the week. Fridays I do a “down day” and don’t eat at all, then Saturdays I have an unrestricted “up day” of eating all day. Sundays are a flex day for me, and I usually have a 1-6 hour eating window. If you haven’t read it yet, I highly suggest Gin Stephens’ book “Fast. Feast. Repeat.”


So what is your eating window now…what time do you start eating. You don’t necessarily have to eat the same time as your child. Stop eating before 8pm and don’t start again until 12pm. Fasting is easy once you get what works best for YOU figured out.


I don’t see how the math works for 16:8. Sorry to say it.

Just in terms of time, might have to be a shorter window, adapt to not eating early (I did and it’s been fine, but we don’t have the same body/life), or figure out how to eat during the day at school.


It’s often recommended to ease into fasting, so start with 12/12 and three meals and then 14/10 till that feels good and so on.

Personally I eat either during lunch break or after classes end. So my eating window can vary a bit between 16:8 and 20:4 depending on what works for me on any given day.


I do a 18:6 schedule with my window 1pm-7pm. Working great for me. I take my lunch late at work from 1-2pm, and eat around 6 with the family. We have a 3yo and a 6yo so I hear you on the eating window.


I alternate between 16:8 (eating window 11am to 7pm) and 22:2/OMAD which is dinner. My teaching schedule is heaviest in the mornings and I plan things to keep myself busy during any break times. I keep myself going with lots of tea. Being busy is really key for me and I often struggle with fasting on weekends or holidays.

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Categories: tea fasting schedule struggling dinner coffee oil eating window gin stephens to fast lunch omad morning struggle holidays