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Became more straightforward and emotional

I am 126h in and I do everything by the book - electrolytes etc. However, since last couple days I just said people things I feel like I would not say before. Like no sugarcoating, not play pretending. I have confronted some people with the issues I had with them for already couple month. I feel more straightforward and less willing to fulfil whatever expectations other have for me (i am 28F btw). On the other hand I feel more emotional about things. Does anyone experienced this kind of a “side effect” of the fast? It is so unexpected for me and I honestly have no idea how to deal with this new side of myself, because usually I am pretty much a conformist.

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You probably use a lot of energy pretending everything’s fine. Now you don’t have that excess in energy. Consider it a blessing. I’m very straightforward naturally (22M) and toxic people know never to stay around me. Fasting made me speak up more. It’s awesome.


I’m so glad you brought that up because I definitely felt what you’re feeling! For me, if I watched a sad movie then I would easily become so invested that I would get emotional, whereas when I’m not fasting, I could care less about the emotional part of the movie. Lol I’m 34F and did a 2 week fast. If you have a spiritual life, bows a great time to become more invested in it. If there’s something you want to study but couldn’t put your heart into it before, now might be a good time to study it. Ha I usually get some road rage but I just could not during an extended fast. “OH he just cut me off and I had to slam on my breaks. Whatever, life goes on.” Lol!


Just consider it mental/spiritual autophagy. There’s less clutter in your body and more than likely less clutter in your mind and heart.

This happens to me too. I become hyper aware of my feelings and desires and things I shoved down below the surface begin to show whether it’s good or bad. I personally embrace it even though at times it’s uncomfortable. I find that fasting is very much a mentally and spiritually refining practice. It’s wild bc who would have thought something like fasting could have so many dynamic effects on oneself?

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