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Can i still lift?

might be a dumb question but im on my second day of a 4day fast, im coming off of a bulk, i want to go to the gym but i worry that seeing as i have literally no protein intake i will do harm to my muscle groups instead of good, i struggle to sleep when my body isnt aching, is it detrimental to my gains if i lift while on a fast?

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Detrimental, probably not. Helpful? Absolutely not in my opinion. I think it’s best if you use this time to have a deload week where you lift 60% of the weight you normally would with the same sets/reps scheme or skip the gym altogether.

I think the best way to burn more fat during a fast is simply by walking for a long time. It won’t increase hunger and generally just feels good.

If you skip the gym altogether, you will be back to lifting the same numbers soon after your refeed. Just make sure to keep going to the gym in between fasts while you are fed.


Speaking out of my ancient memory here, but I’d say go ahead and keep working out: due to the enhanced protien recycling caused by ketosis and production of HGH during fasted workout recovery, you may actually preserve more muscle mass by continuing to use it during a fast.

From my own experience it may help to lower reps, since your fuel source will remain somewhat inefficient (in more frequent fasters or longer fasts skeletal muscle can begin to consumel lipids directly but for a four day fast beta oxidation and glyconeogenisis are going to be your primary energy pathways). If you go too long you risk being a lifeless blob on your couch for the rest of the day even if you feel great during your workout.

Another thought if you have access to a sauna, spa, or hot tub is to use it for 20 minutes after your workout which can stimulate the production of heat shock proteins which in turn reduce the amount of catalytic turnover in muscle tissue in general but may be especially useful for maintaining musculature during a fast.


during fasting your body’s HGH levels jump by over 1500%. Fasted is the BEST time to work out and build muscle. Frankly, if you’re trying to build muscle, it’s a crime to not take advantage of your fasted state to also grow your muscles.


I wouldn’t because you’ll be adding tears to your muscles without the addition of added protein to repair these tears which will not benefit you in long or short term. I find the hunger becomes absolutely overwhelming. If anything go for a bike ride or do calisthenics till failure.

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