| | Water Fasting

cole robinson is actually a awful person. Come look.

Im not just saying this, but he did it More than once. He would Always read my messages, I guess I’m entertaining.

But I never showed him my face or took the photos he wanted for his page, I don’t want to, anyways, I asked this. Again, no reply. No care, not even a Yes or No answer. similar on another account I asked if it will cure kidney disease which I thought I had, I don’t tho. No answer. Not even a yes or no.


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I’m not a fan of Cole but you are in the wrong here. Calling someone a satanic bastard just because they don’t respond? Your question is very vague and keep in mind that things aren’t that black and white. You can’t just expect him to know the answer when he doesn’t know your background or the story. Also, you aren’t paying him for his time and knowledge. If you respect what he has to say, then don’t be so quick to throw a fit when he doesn’t answer you right away.

I think you need to practice some compassion and kindness. You’re throwing around some pretty terrible words and that says a lot more about you than Cole in this situation. Wishing someone to die is very hateful.


You’re in the fault here lol..

Looking like a crazy ex or some shit 😂

Do your own research ffs.. can’t expect him to do it all for you? He probably has a lot of clients who he has to talk to.. bet you aren’t one?

Can’t expect him to answer in an instant lol..

People nowadays 😂


Yeeeeaaah, Cole isn’t a medical doctor. He can’t tell you if dry fasting is going to cure any diseases. I don’t even like the guy, but your expectations for what he should be able to know is ridiculous. And your response to his lack of response is even more ridiculous.

Do your own research and make your own decisions, but Cole cannot give you medical advice like you’re asking because then he would be liable if something went wrong.


There is so many avenues to get information about fasting he is not the be all and know all on fasting. I do not follow the guy nor do I listen to him, but anyone who has a mixture called snake juice is simply a snake themselves. So my dear instead of allow yourself to be controlled by someone’s negativity, do research and buy books to learn more on fasting and it’s healing effects


Why in the world would someone downvote this like they r SOOO offended they worship cole or something. here is Literal proof he Ignored a question regarding to a old man’s health life or death. Crazy how Satanic some people r they worship a man.

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