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looking for support: emotional eating and weight loss

Earlier this year I did IF + keto and lost 15 lbs fairly quickly, then summer came and i gained it all back.

all my life, i was a skinny person but an abusive marriage/in-laws and two kids later, binge eating has become my major coping mechanism. I just feel so stressed and unloved all the time that a doughnut and a cup of tea, or cookies, chocolate etc genuinely provide the comfort that I need..


I want to lose weight, I have at least 40 lbs to lose till I reach my pre-baby weight but 20 lbs will bring me in the normal range of BMI


Anyone who’s lost weight with little kids, a stressful loveless life? what are your tips? those who eat for comfort or to drown their emotions, how does doing IF /restricting food affect your emotional state.. if only i could get started .. :(

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Great job on loosing 15lbs in the beginning of the year! That is a lot of weight 🙌 since you were actually loosing weight, it is a good sign.

I also believe that excess food intake is a coping mechanism. For me it has to do a lot about personal boundaries, letting other people take control over me and me not being able to say no. You do admit you had an abusive marriage and in-laws. Is that still the case?

Try printing out feelings/emotions list from online search, and start writing down all feelings you have for all the family members (but not your kids). Notice how you express your feelings. Pay close attention to your parents, i would say food comfort starts there. You may have not noticed it pre-marriage, but marriage and kids tend to be a catalyst of all our values. I quit alcohol using this approach few years back. Now i am doing IF (16:8, and quit sugar), and it is a piece of “cake”. I know my boundaries, i am more confident, and it is easy to say no to food and actually be more engaged with kids and husband. Knowing what emotions come up helps me express them in healthy ways, rather than turn to food.

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