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What does your personal window of eating look like on OMAD?

What do you, personally, eat in your window? Thanks to any willing to share, looking for OMAD meal inspiration.

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OMAD is my permanent daily driver, with slightly longer fasts, on occasion. My diet is simple and a bit boring, I suppose, but varied enough for me.

Rules: Max of 20gms of carbs per day (straight carbs, not net) and my one meal is an early dinner, unless social or business commitments call for a different schedule. I also drink water or iced green or black tea (fresh cold brew) throughout the day.

Protein: Either grilled chicken, fish, beef or breakfast for dinner: bacon & eggs

Carbs: Asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, spinach or salad (arugula/tomato/mushrooms), plus fresh berries to close the window.

Fat: fresh Parmesan or aged cheddar, EV olive oil, butter or heavy cream, as needed/desired

I end longer fasts with bone broth followed by OM 30-60 minutes later.

Although I eat most meals at home, I can easily eat out - but I do ask a lot of questions re: sugar/cabs since they are so ubiquitous in food/cooking. I hope this helps - feel free to ask questions too.


I had to increase my eating window from one hour to two most days since I have a ton of trouble eating enough calories in one sitting. Sometimes I increase it to three or four if I worked out that day and need more protein from a shake or something - they’re so filling that I need a break between that and food.

As far as the food itself, I try to do Keto during the week and whatever on weekends. Last night I made a four egg omelette with cheddar cheese and bacon and two slices of Aldi low carb bread with butter but was only able to eat half of the omelette, so I waited about an hour and ate 2 fat bombs to get my calories up where they need to be.


I eat whatever I want during the fast, although I try to stick to foods that are not calorie dense - so mostly veggies with fats, proteins and simple carbs. And I try to break my fast with a salad or plain fruit. (Not snacking on crackers w/ dip and cookies which I have also been guilty of….) After some veggies/fruit I’ll eat whatever, but must include a protein.

Examples include small portion of pasta with shrimp and squash or zoodles, rice/veggie bowls with avocado and salmon, tuna salad sandwich, fried chicken salad, etc.

My favorite type of meal is a rice bowl - good for boyfriend and me because I can load up on mixed greens, still enjoy rice and bf is happy. Salmon with mixed greens, rice, avocado, miso soy dressing, cucumber, carrot, etc.

Love a taco salad bowl - grilled chicken, lettuce (Romain or iceberg), purple cabbage, low fat refried beans, avocado. Maybe sour cream.

Last week ate kimchi rice bowls with brisket and lots of cabbage with a sesame oil/rice vinegar dressing.

And then if I can manage to fit anything else into my stomach during the window it’s fair game.


I just eat whatever. That’s the nice thing about OMAD. Last night I had a slice of leftover pizza, can of soup, roll, nut mix, some apple chips and a couple Reese’s bats.

Monday night leftover pesto pasta and some roasted veggies.

Sunday night leftover pizza and a salad

Saturday night was the night we ordered the pizza (over ate that night)

We’re planning on cutting back on carbs. We’ll see if that actually happens.


Pretty much just whatever I would have had for dinner. Something with veggies, proteins, and high fiber carbs. If I’m really hungry going into it I will try to first eat a bowl of nuts, it seems to help with overeating. On weekends I will eat out. Whatever I see in the pantry that I want, I will just eat. Which makes for some strange meals, but ensures I never feel deprived!

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Categories: omad carbs dinner tea chicken fish beef oil sugar eating window calories keto low carb fruit snack vinegar stomach fiber