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/r/Nutrition Weekly Personal Nutrition Discussion Post - All Personal Diet Questions Go Here

Welcome to the weekly r/Nutrition feature post for questions related to your personal diet and circumstances. Wondering if you are eating too much of something, not enough of something, or if what you regularly eat has the nutritional content you want or need? Ask here.

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Hello everyone,
So I am a 30 year old male and I just recently starting drinking wine the past 2 years or so. I never get drunk of course but I drink about 2-3 glasses when I do drink with meals. I stay away from liquor or I have an occasional cocktail every now and then. My cholesterol levels are low. My total number is like 145.
I have read that any alcohol consumption increases your chance of cancer and heart disease.
My diet is near vegetarian. I eat chicken and fish but mostly I am vegan. I try to eat lots of fruits and veggies. I also run quite a bit or at least try to when I am not super busy during the week.
Should I quit drinking and abstain from wine?


I eat about 60-70g a day of sugar from fruit (fruit smoothie, pineapple, apple, orange juice). I’m a 20yr old male who goes to the gym 6 days a week, I’m in good shape. But I see conflicting thing about sugar from fruit. The recommended amount of sugar a day for men is 30-40g, and I’m above that in just my fruit consumption. I don’t have much added sugar in my diet, aside from desert after dinner (only time I eat anything processed). Is my sugar consumption ok or should I cut back in fruit. Thanks.


I’ve been trying to add ground flaxseed into my diet (mostly as a boost on Omega-3 for heart and mental health.) I’m taking a tablespoon plus of ground flaxseed with the last gulps of my morning green tea every morning.

Is this enough flaxseed (and there by omega-3) a day to make a difference mental health wise?


I’m eating a pound of goat meat ( red meat but very low in fat, even lower than chicken breast) a day as I am trying to build muscle and it makes getting in protein really easy.

Question is, what kind of ( if any) side effects could this cause? My diet includes chicken breast, brown rice, lots of oatmeal, bananas, blueberries and vegetables


Okay, so for the last three years my diet has been terrible. Its gotten to the point that I typically only eat one meal a day. This is usually in the evening. One week will be healthy, or home cooked, meals. These can be meals like lentil daal and naan, or BLTs and soup. Also smoothies for half of those mornings. My smoothies normally contain two cups of blueberries, two bananas, 2-3 cups of oat milk, and 2tbs of 100%coacoa. The next week I’m only eating two extra value meals from mcdonalds in the evening.

It got this way for two reasons, one was motivation, the other is the burnout. If I eat anything during the day, especially if its Greasy or high in carbs I CRASH. Hard. It doesnt matter when I eat it, first thing, or for lunch. The effects aren’t nearly as difficult to manage at home. At work though, i could lay down on the floor and sleep. Its awful, and I know my health is going to start to suffer.

Id like to begin a more plant based diet, and start eating during the day. However, this incredibly deep crash is my biggest hurdle. What dietary changes can i make, and why might I be experience such intense crashes?

Thanks for any help and support!


Is it alright to consume Channa sattu/Sattu Flour/Roasted Bengal Gram Flour 120gm on a daily basis?

If any nutritionist or anyone could give their opinion it’d be helpful. So basically, I’m trying to avoid buying whey protein or any protein powder from the market and trying to compensate it by using this. I hear it has alot of benefits, it’s even called poor man’s protein but I want to if this would harm me if taken in this quantity on a daily basis. Thank you in advance for your valuable feedback.


What are some ways of quitting snacking. I feel like I snack just because I used to when I ate lunch early and was sort of hungry and thought that I need to eat every 3h . I have changed mindset, but still can’t stop snacking even though I am not hungry. Any advice??


Does anyone have any food recommendations for ARFID? I also have a gluten, soy, dairy, and nightshade intolerance. (listed in order of severity) Also no refined sugars. Feelings at a loss as my old safe foods aren’t really working anymore.


what is the difference between all these different protein powders? and which would you recommend for a powerlifter?https://www.dymatize.com/products/#Protein

whey vs. casein vs. athletes whey vs iso, etc..


I was using mayo clinics daily calorie needs calculator to find my maintenance calories and it told me to put how much activity i did per week. I was wondering if 6x a week of weightlifting for 2hrs per session counted as vigorous or not? I do not do cardio for the most part.


I see the American Academy is Pediatricians recommends one year olds to have approximately 1000 calories of food per day, half of which is made up of fat. So 500 calories of fat per day (obviously good fat)

If every fat gram has 9 calories (correct me if I am wrong), then a one year olds needs 500/9 = 56g of fat per day.

Is this correct? Just want to check to make sure I am doing this right.

Also: I know you are not supposed to limit fat or foods at this age, nor do I intend to do so. I just want to make sure my child is at least getting offered around the minimum per day. If she wants more, of course I will provide it.


If I stop eating, and only drink water (or water flavored with a sugar-free vitamin powder), how long will it take to lose weight by “living off of my own fat” until I hit 135 lbs, my minimum healthy weight?

At 5 feet, 11.5 inches, I currently weigh 248 lbs.

If I lose access to a bidet by losing my apartment, I’ll only survive on fluidic nutrition.


Hey I hope this is the right place.

I’m currently trying to cut some fat I have in my belly area. I know fat cannot be targeted locally and stuff like that so I’ve been entering a hypo caloric state as I’m returning to train in the gym (previously trained 3 years with weights and little to no cardio and off the gym for 2 years since the pandemic). As I’m entering a hypo caloric state and training again (starting 3 times a week with a Push Legs Pull system), should I worry/focus on eating more proteins to prevent muscle loss? Or should I stick with the nutrition plan I had before (it stated about 250 grams in cooked protein for a 67-70kg male)


Hi HI helo hello. Ok so im gonna get straight to it, I’m always hngry and I think about eating big meals when I KNOW I should not. I feel like it’s something to do with my nutrition. I just dont ever feel satisfied or full I guess. Another thing is I am overweight, Thank you to whoever replies.


The last few months I have cut back on red meat substantially, and meat in general, eating more pasta/rice. Well its working, I’ve lost about 10 pounds this year.

I have taken to pouring in a healthy amount of frozen vegetables when I heat up my pasta. On more than one occasion, I’ve looked at the nutritional info on the back label, and it is rare for me to see any vitamin or nutrient that has at least 10% of the US RDA.

Are there specific frozen veggies that have more nutrients? Or are the good brands not sold in big box grocery stores?


Hey, I’m trying to be healthier but I’m very lost on what steps I should be taking to become healthier.

Typically my lunch consists of two sandwiches with two pieces of that uncured black forest ham and a piece of American cheese. I know I could put maybe lettuce on these to give them something else.

I know one of the big things is that, my family frequently gets pizza and I eat like three slices of the buffalo chicken one and then another two or three the next day from leftovers with like ranch dressing. For that, I try to cut out salt from all other sources on those days (like I’ll just eat cheese sandwiches) but I know it’s still bad.

I try to eat a bowl of Honey Bunches of Oats or Honey Nut Cheerios daily for all the vitamins they have.

A lot of my dinners consist of meats, like chicken braid, tacos, pulled pork, as I mentioned buffalo chicken pizza, rarely chicken wings, cheese raviolis and meatballs, etc.

I also have the bad habit of drinking a lot of Diet Coke but that’s something I’m working on cutting. I’m talking at least 1 1/2 a day, sometimes more.

Just how unhealthy is my diet and how can I fix it? I know I’m not a fan of tomatoes.


Sorry if this is too long i wanted to just make a post

I’m trying to lose weight and build muscle at the same time and I’ve been reading a lot about how it’s not very practical

Should I just focus on eating lean protein and a lot of vegetables?

Right now I’m doing like 75% dumbbells and push ups and about 25% running I’m thinking I need to make it more 50/50?

I’m wondering if I should get one of those calorie tracking fitbits or apps. How I can actually keep track of how many calories im burning because I read one article that was like 30 minutes of weight lifting Burns about 200 calories and that is devastating lol…

I realize that I basically had no protein intake so I’ve been supplementing with protein shakes to get me through the transition

I’m just trying to figure out an actually healthy sustainable balanced protein-rich diet


There seem to be additional restrictions for seafood consumption due to mercury for children and pregnant people. Other sources have noted that selenium can protect against mercury and that there are fish high in selenium and low in mercury where the former can compensate for the latter. For adults who aren’t pregnant, can these kinds of seafood be eaten everyday safely?


I bought some frozen boneless goat meat cubes online since I am sick of eating chicken but want low cholesterol, low fat meat…..

It says 109 cal per 100g for goat but these goat cubes look like they have a lot of fat! Before cooked they had a lot of white on them and when cooked they had this rubbery yellowish jelly like substance on several pieces which must be fat….

Is the calorie content still lower than chicken and beef despite all this visible fat? I’m just confused since it doesn’t match up to what I’ve read about goat being such a healthy low fat red meat….

It looked like this - https://www.adesfoods.co.uk/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/i/m/img_7398_1.jpg


Hey guys! I’m currently running low on protein powder and hoping to get into a different brand! I’m currently using Vega Sport vanilla flavored one and I want to branch out. Let me know what’s your favorite, it doesn’t have to be vegan, any preference. Thank you!


I drink 3-5 glasses of milk a day. I now need to find an alternative, as my wife fears for the long term health detriments linked with this level of consumption. Give me your favorite “daily drinker” recommendations!

Before it gets suggested, I drink an ample amount of water too (3-5 glasses a day), i’m looking for a tasty, somewhat indulgent drink.

Ex. Certain types of tea, juices, etc…

The only thing that I see while browsing my Kroger app is lots of sparkling water, which i’m not particularly interested in, and God forbid the amount of sodas on there.


I’ve been doing a daily smoothie for several days in my nutri-bullet: one whole apple, one whole banana, two cups spinach/kale, with coconut milk as the liquid.

Does this sound like a good concoction to be taking daily? Obviously there are nutrients not present in these foods that I can get by eating other things, but I wanna get a good amount of my nutrients through smoothies, as they’re so much quicker to prep and ingest.


Are there any downsides to eating a lot of healthy or nutrient-dense food?

It probably is a silly question with a simple answer, but it’s based on the saying that too much of even a good thing can be harmful

In the past couple of years I’ve transitioned to eating very healthy. For no other reason than that I want to, prolonging healthspan etc. This means no processed foods, snacks. Zero sodas, energy drinks, and alcohol. Homemade stuff almost always, minimal sugar, salt. Whole-grain pasta/rice etc. But in the last few years I taken it a step further. I recently fell in love with air-fried vegetables, especially garlic. I’ll even smash a couple of raw garlic cloves and put it in my hummus for the allicin. Or even chew on a very small piece. Long story short, I eat the healthier version of almost everything. It makes me happy… maybe a little too much?

But can I be going overboard with any of this? eg. healthy kidneys can handle and filter any amount of nutrient-rich food right? Anything else to be concerned about?


How much does anyone really need to eat? Like, really? There’s all sorts of recommendations out there. The problem is I have no concept of what “normal” or “healthy,” is, etc. I feel like it’s less food than I think though.

Through childhood/adolescence I had an “adults eat a lot so I have to eat a lot to be like them” mentality. More recently, I’ve used athletic nutrition, especially “30-40g protein every 3-4 hours” with macro tracking/etc. But it feels like SO much. Not actually healthy. Not really necessary.

Plus, I think a “whole foods” diet will be easier to accomplish if my total for the day is lower.

Please help! And feel free to drop links to citable sources and/or even published peer reviewed papers if you got ‘em!



1.8g trans fat per day?

I’ve heard trans fats are horrible and artificial, my diet is almost all Whole Foods and I am getting every micronutrient. According to chronometer, my diet contains 1.8g of trans fats per day. Apparently they are coming from butter (which I have 2 tbsp of) and peanut butter (which i also have 2 tbsp of, and the PB is the natural kind just peanuts and salt), and milk (3 cups total).

Is this amount of trans fat, even from these natural foods, really a problem?


Hello! I’m a backpacker visiting from r/Ultralight. I mostly do 2-3 day backpacking trips of about 12-15 miles a day. I would love some feedback on what food I carry (see spreadsheet linked here). I’ve been refining this for a number of years now and I have several food goals. They are as follows: (a) bring food I actually want to eat, which is surprisingly challenging. I’m normally not a picky eater but I sometimes loose my apatite on trail. (b) bring food that won’t spoil in the woods. (c) Minimize food volume and weight. Ideally my food would total around 125 kcal/ounce although denser would be fine within reason. (d) improve performance. Some of the specifics about protein/dextrose/sucrose ratios for muscular glycogen recover and target carb:protein ratios come from a series of vides made by the youtuber “Gear Skeptic”. (e) lastly I want this food to be fairly cheap, so no mountainhouse for me lol.

I’m curious if the recover shake is really worth it. It’s not very calorically dense. I suppose I could add some whole milk powder but if I have enough protein otherwise then I might just skip it. It’s got a pretty low amount of calories per ounce.

I’m also curious if I have good levels of macros overall. I know my dinner doesn’t have a ton of protein but I figure that the meat sticks and shake, if I keep it, can make up for it. And I could always bring more meat sticks.

I’m thinking I should probably track fiber. I’m assuming I have enough with the oats and raisins, but I could be wrong. I also find I have to be somewhat careful about eating too much fiber (maybe??) I used to do instant beans and rice for dinner but it didn’t work out with my digestion.

Thank you!


This is for a personal situation, but I feel like the answers could be applicable to others. Recently started keeping count of my caloric intake and discovered I’m about 500 short for what I need to maintain and about another 500 short to gain (which is really what I’d like to do). What are good ways to up caloric intake by about 500 kcals? As of now, I have been eating a fourth meal at the end of the day before bed, but I’d rather not make a habit of that. Snacking is not optimal, either, but if there are any ideas, please drop them here.

Typical Breakfasts:
2 hard boiled eggs (140 kcal)
2 slices wholemeal toast (120 kcal)
1/2 Avocado (160 kcal)
1 apple (roughly 100 kcal)
Total: 520 kcal

1/2 Old fashioned Oats (150 kcal)
1 Banana (105 kcal)
1 cup full fat Greek Yoghurt (190 kcal)
Handful of Walnuts (\~95 kcal)
Total: 540 kcal

Typical Lunch:
2 slices wholemeal bread (120 kcal)
1/2 Avocado (160 kcal)
3 oz. chicken breast (204 kcal)
1 cup vegetable soup (70-150 kcal)
Total: 630 kcal

Typical Dinner:
3/4 cup brown rice (165 kcal)
1 filet of fish (100 kcal)
1 serving vegetables (70 kcal)
1 tbsp. olive oil or other healthy fat (120 kcal)
Total: 525 kcal

Total without any additional food: 1685 kcal
I’m generally pretty active (10,000+ steps a day minimum, typically closer to 15,000) by virtue of having to walk everywhere. I also do not snack; it’s just not something I do. On the occasions that I do snack, it is usually me eating something that I would otherwise eat at a meal earlier or later than typical (i.e. eating my breakfast apple later in the day rather than at breakfast). Recently, I’ve been adding a fourth meal before bed that is as follows:

Typical 2nd dinner:
2 tbsp. Peanut butter (190 kcal)
2 slices wholemeal bread (120 kcal)
1 Banana (105 kcal)
1 cup whole milk (160 kcal)
Total: 575 kcal

New Daily total: 2260 kcal
Predicted TDEE: 2302 kcal


Any thoughts on how what this diet is? How can I improve it and increase the caloric intake?


so I work out 5 days a week, play bball 2 days. My weight hasn’t changed in years. I follow an extremely strict diet and over the last couple of weeks i started “being more relaxed” and started eating some ice cream and caramel popcorn. My weight decreased by two pounds and has maintained that weight loss over the last 3 weeks. I have a low bodyfat already and didn’t have much to lose. I’m not complaining but i am baffled on how i can eat more carbs/sugar and lose weight (my strength hasn’t gone up, nor has my activity level). Can someone explain to be biologically how this could happen? Can a high protein diet actually result in weight gain and the extra carbs somehow result in weight loss?

tldr: eating more sugar, lost weight


Hi all,

New here, just looking to see if anyone can offer some advice

I’ve been tracking calories for around 10 weeks now. And seem to be averaging a loss of around 0.5lbs a week.

As of now, I go for a 10 minute walk every day and do 4 sets of 3 exercises. (Push-ups, sit-ups, squats) that’s 4 days a week. And I play tennis for an hour on a Sunday. I do work from home. So my step count isn’t very high.

In terms of eating. I start the day with a protein shake (182 calories)have a wholemeal sandwich (egg salad, tuna etc) (350 calories)Large dinner (lasagne/steak/chicken pasta) (800 - 1000 calories)

I weigh everything and keep count of calories. I never go above 1500 for a day during the week. If anything it’s an average of around 1350 a day during the week.

The weekend I tend to be a bit more loose, but I never go above 2500 on a Saturday and Sunday.

I never feel hungry, but I can’t help but feel a little demotivated, as I feel I’m working hard and made some massive changes to my life, but I feel the scale and fat loss should be moving a bit more. I’ve read that I might be eating too little, but I don’t know how true that whole thing is.

My weight, height, age and fat % are below (according to a set of Renpho scales)

Age:31Sex: MaleWeight: 92KgHeight: 180cmFat percentage: 28.7%

If anyone has any advice I’d greatly appreciate it. Thank you!

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