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Daily Fasting Check-in!

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SW 90kg | GW 75kg | 34 M | 178cmMix of OMAD, 2MAD, occasional 36-48. Reducing sugar and carbs, walking and functional exercise.End of Week 3




Happy with progress so far, wasnt much weight loss during this week, but thats expected. Fasting wasn’t as intense as earlier weeks, and probably shed most of the water weight by now.


Week 11

This day I’m having a moderate cheatday. I’m doing 16:8 and tonight I’m going to the movie and I’m going to have a small popcorn. So tomorrow I wont stand on the scale because of all the waterweight I’ll gain.
Tonight I will exercise and tomorrow I’m going for a long walk or bikeride.


About to give up.Weight: 56 kgHeight: 160 cm

I have been doing IF for 3 weeks now, eating less than 1000kcal daily, drinking 2,5l water daily and walking 10k a day.And guess what! Now I weight 55.9kg :)I start to think people here are just simply starving thenselves or spend hours in a gym to lose weight


Type/context: OMAD, 20:4 or longer, eating at dinner. Been trying to increase my protein intake and lower carbs. But not super strict. TDEE around 1330.

Length: 31 days so far

Why? 5 months pp from baby number 2. Didn’t like the way I looked or the number on the scale.

Notes: SW 164. CW 150. GW 130. Extremely happy with my weigh-in this morning!! I was hoping to hit this by my birthday in two weeks. The weight has been coming off faster than I expected. Had a bit of a plateau but introduced extra cardio and upped my cals a bit which seemed to get things going again.

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Categories: omad sugar carbs weight loss corn lose weight dinner morning tea cardio