| | Water Fasting

Day 1 of 1st 3 Day Fast

I have been wanting to start IF for a while, but always had an excuse. Right now, at age 60 I’m weighing in at 340 pounds, have asthma,sleep apnea and all my joints hurt all the time - and I’m sick of livong like this. My motivation is being healthier so I can have more quality time with my grandgirls, be more confident when meeting people in my business and after being single for 15 years want to date more. I’ve done extended fasting before as part of a religous practice, thee longest time was 21 days and after the first few days it felt amazing. I will be posting my statistics as I go along. Big Hugs!

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So excited for you!I started at 272 about 22 days ago and now at 244 pounds. I feel so awesome and energetic. I plan to keep going with one 7 day fast each month and the rest IF 20:4. Keep us posted so we can cheer you on!


**UPDATE Ok its Day Two and so far so good. I couldn’t sleep last night so I gave in and had a few ounces of milk to take with an ibuprofen. That did the trick.I have had plain water, selzer with lemon and about half a cup of coffee with milk.The main think my joints already feel so much betrer and I feel a layer of bloat has left.A little hungry but not enough to be a problem.

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