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Did IF without knowing it was IG back in college... time to try again.

I used to skip breakfast in college. And do a small lunch and a big dinner. Main reason was monetary as having 2 meals instead of 3 or more was cheaper. Everybody back then told me skipping breakfast was really bad and it would give me GI problems like gastritis or worse. I’m now in my worst shape ever, just turned 40 and although I exercise 3 times a week (tennis) I don’t see any results on my big belly. Gonna try IF again starting today. Already skipped breakfast, gonna cheat a bit with coke zero, that’s another issue I’ll adress later on. But it feels good to have a plan. Gonna start with 16:8 on weekdays. Still don’t know about weekends because of all the social activities, but Gonna try to skip breakfast and lunch on weekends. Let’s see how it goes. Nice sub you guys have here. FAQ and wiki was really useful.

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I had lots of practice in my 20s with the “Salesman’s diet” of black coffee and smokes until 6pm, then food and booze until midnight.

Different schedule now, and no smoking or drinking for many years, but the 6 or less hour eating window feels really comfortable

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