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Do all protein powders have whey in them?

I’m struggling to understand the difference of protein powders. For the longest I tried to avoid whey protein because I thought it made you gain weight and was not targeted for weight loss and can make your acne worse? Anyways I’m trying to lose fat, get toned and build muscle but should I be getting protein powders with whey or no whey ? And why

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No definitely not. There’s many types of protein powders: milk derived (whey, casein) plant based, egg etc.

Whey is just a common one because it is cheap and very good amino acid profile (good quality protein in simple terms).

In your case if you have no issue/allergy to dairy whey would be suitable for you. It’s not the type of protein that will cause you to gain/lose weight but overall diet and lifestyle.

As far acne some people have said whey can be bad for it but it’s cheap so give it a try and see if it’s ok for you


Everyone has given mostly good advice here, but just to drill home the point that it’s about amount of calories more than WHAT calories, and that whey specifically won’t hinder weight loss, I have lost 90lbs and have had a three scoop shake (66g protein) daily for like 4 years now.


To stop all of the confusion, Id recommend you learn about nutrition and anatomy. Without these as a base you will forever be manipulated by marketing.Anything to do with weightloss and gain is calories. Calories from protein, fat, sugar, whatever are all just calories. You want to put on weight eat in a surplus, lose weight eat in a deficit


Ok. First things firtsWhey is the milk proteinNot evert protein powder is Whey because a protein powder can be rice protein or pea protein. Ok? So, when we say Whey we necessarily talkink about milk protein. It doesn’t have big differences in quality, but you have to know the composition of the aminoacids of the product, and it independs of the type of protein you buy.Second, when we buy whey or protein powder the product can have different composition of macronutrients. That said, it means that it’s not because you buying whey/protein powder that you are buying only protein (100% protein) in the produtc. A lot of them have carbos and fat in that composition that can make you have the opposit result you want. So you must know exactly what you’re buying.There isn’t a product that is 100% protein, buy the isolated whey has more % of protein than the concentrated whey.(Sorry for bad english, not a native)


Protein makes you fat wtf? Who told you this bs? Protein is neccasry for life and actually makes you feel full for longer so you don’t have to eat all the time it can actually help reduce weight the only and simple way to reduce weight is to eat in calorie defecit if your intake of calories is lower than your body burns throughout the day then you will lose weight 100%


There are plenty of types of protein powders, whey is cheap and efficient compared to others. Read up on amino acid profiles and why it is important. You’ll notice that things like pasta have high protein, but it’s not a complete protein since it does not have all essential amino acids to complete the protein.

As far as acne goes, yes it can cause acne, but it’s the same for all dairy derived products. I use whey protein almost every day, I don’t have tons of acne. It depends on your body’s reaction to dairy.


Depends, source of Protien powder, whey are made from milk, soya Pp from soya bean, Rice and chickpea Pp from respective source,,,

Many companies blend all these togather in various combination, so always check nutrition label


The “whey” in whey protein means it comes from a cow so that means it’s dairy. I have cut out dairy for over 4 years because of my acne and it has helped. Its believed that dairy is an inflammatory that could be one potential piece of the puzzle to causing acne.

If that is important to you there are MANY vegan proteins that do the trick. I use one from Transparent Labs. Couldn’t recommend it enough.

Remember that weight lifting is a great way to burn calories, you also want adequate protein to help build the muscles.

Sounds like a vegan protein or even beef (Carnivore) protein would be best for you as you try to build muscle. After that, just do research on what amount of calories you should be consuming per day in regards to your workout regimen, current weight, and goals


Calculate your TDEE, look up how much protein you need to increase muscle mass. I’d suggest starting at 2g per kg. Not all protein is the same but as you are starting out I’d suggest consuming 1 scoop of whey protein within 30 minutes after a gym session. Try different types of protein powders if they don’t sit in your stomach well, some people prefer pea protein but generally whey is the way to go.

Without getting into the DIAAS of it all, keep up with the basics.

CICO: a deficit of calories will make you lose weight, protein powder/amino acids: grow muscle and ensure you consume enough vegetables and fruits to try and keep yourself balanced. In a few months you’ll get into a rhythm and learn more in-depth.


There are lots of supplements (such as collagen peptides, whey protein). There are 100s of variety under each segments. The key difference would be ingredients. If you read ingredients, you would see that cheap whey protein are often loaded with lots of chemicals whereas some of the costly whey protein are cleaner. You can go to Amazon and see ingredients for different whey yourself. You can also review independent lab’s report I.e. labdoor.

Whey protein is supplement. I only take whey when I exercise. The day when I don’t exercise, no whey for me.

When it comes to weight loss, it helps to consider your body like a machine. We eat food, it gets converted to calories which gets used as we perform different activities. Unused calories gets stored for future use. If your body stores unused calories for longer time then it would show up.

So to lose weight:

  1. Watch what you eat - I do not recommend any fancy diet programs. Avoid sugary & factory made food/drinks. When I started my journey, I took a big box and put all the cookies, candies, cheesecake etc in it and gave it away. After cleaning up my kitchen, I rarely bring something unhealthy at my home.

  2. Increase activities - I found a workout routine from a book “bigger leaner & stronger”. I have been following the same routine for about 3 years now. Now I am thinking to take it to next level but you need to find some kind of workout routine.

  3. It takes time. If you want to lose weight naturally then it may not happen in a day or in a week. I used to tell myself “it took me over 10+ years to gain weight, it would take at least couple of years to lose it”. I lost 45 lbs in 18 months and have kept it off since.


Look for articles and information that is provided by a registered dietitian (RD or RDN). These folks have studied the science behind nutrition and provide the most accurate information. Even MDs don’t always have this level of education when it comes to diet and nutrition. Sports nutrition is a specialty subset of the RD field and their info is generally geared toward athletes and fitness-minded people.


Not all protein powder contains whey, whey itself means tht protein powder is made from milk. Thts called whey protein,Where there is also another plant derived protein is available that is soya protein.

Whey may worsen your acne in case if your body gives specific reactions with milk.

On another hand longterm use of soya protein affects men sexual function(not 100%sure, it’s something i read)so mainly it used by womens. And short term for men.


You cannot loose weight and gain muscle at the same time. You can “trade” some of your fat-weight to muscle-weight, but since one volume of muscle is much heavier than the same volume of fat, that type of thinking will set you off track quite fast.

What you need to focus on, if you’re overweight, is to loose fat-weight. Do that by eating in a calorie deficit, lots of water, fiber, some healthy fats and some protein. Running, swimming, walking, and other cardio-type activities help.

When you have lost about the amount of fat you wanted, THEN switch and focus on gaining muscle. Only here do you need to worry about protein supplements, if at all. Whey is a component of milk, and you can view whey powder as “milk-powder” if you want. There are other protein powders, based on egg, beef, soy, rice and other plant sources, but imo nothing beats whey in terms of bioavailability (i.e. what your body can absorb) and in terms of amount of protein per dollar spent.

But if I read your post correctly, you need to focus on weightloss first, for which protein supplements are sold as fads at best (you don’t actually need them, as you can get your protein needs through normal diet).

Edit: I’d be interested to know why this post is downvoted. Too much off topic?

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