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Do you still eat when not hungry?

Newbie question!

I’m on my first day and just fasted for 17 hours I had a sandwich 2 boiled eggs and a banana and about 2 liters of water. I still need to eat dinner(chicken and rice) Do you still eat when not hungry? Because I only ate about 800 kcal today that’s way to low in my opinion

And I do 16.8 but is it okay if you are not hungry to fast longer then the 16 hours?

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Yes. I usually hit a point where I’m no longer hungry but once I start eating I quickly discover my body had just stopped sending those signals for a bit.

Eating when you’re not hungry is a perfect time to cater your choices towards things you know you need more of in your diet. For me that’s usually a salad or some other green fibrous vegetables.



Unless. . . on exercise days I will get protein in after my fasted workout whether I am hungry or not. I’m looking to preserve muscle on my way down - and if that means a slightly slower journey to get there, so be it.


You can go for a daily cal target, e.g. 1500, or you can try having an average target over several days, e.g. 4500 over 3 days. Then you can underneat or overeat some days but then adjust the next day/day before to compensate. You could just stop at 800 cal today and then tomorrow you may be hungrier, and could eat more.


It is definitely okay to fast longer that the 16 hours. I actually started doing 18, without even trying, it just happened.

Sometimes I make myself eat, even when I don’t feel hungry, sometimes I don’t. If I haven’t eaten much, I will have a very light dinner, especially if I think I will get hungry after my eating window ends.

Low calorie days, every now and then, are okay (I feel) but don’t make a habit of it. It can become addicting, especially if you start seeing faster weight loss results. Also, it’s hard to get enough protein while eating very few calories.


Yes, listen to your body but don’t make a habit of eating below your TDEE or you will not be hitting your needed nutrients. Nuts are a great source for extra calories when you’re not too hungry but need to got your calorie limit for the day.

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