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Does anyone else use a small amount of cream in their morning coffee?

I measure out 40 calories twice during a two hour period. I don’t get hungry and it doesn’t seem to affect my fast. I do 18/6 and my eating window is generally 2pm to 8pm. I’m still a newbie wondering if anyone has had long term success with something similar.

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A ton of people on here put cream in their coffee. It is considered “dirty fasting”, but it is usually fine for weight loss. Just don’t use sugar. And a small amount of heavy cream is probably better than a larger amount of milk or half-and-half — more fat, less carbs.

I put cream in my coffee for my first four months or so of OMAD, then switched to black coffee. Tbh I haven’t noticed any difference in weight loss or how my fasts feel. At this point I keep doing black coffee out of laziness so I don’t have to buy cream! (And because I’ve come to appreciate the flavor of black coffee. But let’s be real, laziness is a factor.)

PS This is a super frequently asked question — search the sub for “coffee” to see tons of posts discussing this! That way you can get a broader overview of people’s thoughts than just the comments to this post.


I do drink coffee with milk, usually around 10am, trying to push it later but not urgently. Yes it will break your fast but if it makes the rest of your routine possible? And it’s working? That seems more important.


So try this - put a dash or 2 of salt in your coffee grounds before brewing. The salt cuts the bitterness and the black coffee is way more drinkable. I dirty fasted with 1 tbs of half and half for about 2 months before discovering that trick. I’m a sweet latte kinda drinker before starting IF and now have no problem drinking black coffee that I brew myself.

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Categories: morning coffee calories eating window weight loss sugar carbs omad