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End of month two progress. Still not got the courage to post progress pics yet.

Sunday 26 February. End of Month two with IF, F48. Weight down another 2.5kgs, total reduction 5.5kg so far. Still 5kg to go so half way there. I am doing a minimum of 18:6 12-6pm with some 20:4s 2-6pm.

I started the month watching a great YouTube lecture from Dr Lucy Burns - Menopause, Perimenopause and Weight Management, that was shared in r/menopause and finished the month by reading The Obesity Code from cover to cover by Dr Jason Fung.

I also decided to not count CICO as I had in month 1 to see how I got on and can honestly say my tastes for food have already changed. I used to crave carbs, especially crisps and bread. I used to love toast for breakfast everyday but it never filled me up and now I genuinely don’t want them and do not mind skipping breakfast at all.

I am choosing healthier less processed food options to lower my insulin but I am still struggling with my sugar and wanting something sweet after dinner/tea but making progress and have definitely cut down. Any other tips for the after dinner pudding fix would be greatly welcomed.

I even took my friend out on her birthday for cake and coffee, had a lovely treat day and I still lost weight that week too.

My only regret with IF so far is that it took me 48 years to discover this lifestyle.

Progress charts from the Fasting App.

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Congratulations on all of your progress and feeling more free from prior cravings!

I drink a decaf black vanilla tea to scratch the itch of wanting something sweet. (It doesn’t include any sweetener.) Occasionally, in my eating window, I’ll have a diet soda or a few squares of low-sugar or fake-sugar dark chocolate. They’re less satisfying than a “regular” dessert, but my brain settles down a little as I have checked off the box of having something sweet.

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