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experienced fasters who are at goal weight/fitness level-

What do you do for maintenance? Thanks!

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I do OMAD to maintain, though to be honest I also used OMAD to drop the bulk of my weight when I got started in this whole gig to begin with. Like most people I slowly lengthened my fat duration and OMAD is where I landed and stayed. I have done numerous extended fasts also over the last few years too but they are not really my cup of tea.

Really the only major difference nowadays is my OMADs are much larger than they were previously. They have to be or I will continue to lose weight, as a quickly found out after I got down into healthy BMI territory initially. If you were to go out to dinner with me and were unfamiliar with my back story you would probably think I was a total pig. I always get an appetizer before my entree and I always order dessert.

About a month ago I went out to dinner with a new client who I had been dealing with and dining out with for several months. I ate an entire fried calamari appetizer, the largest cut of prime rib they had with a loaded baked potato, and a big piece of Tiramusu for dessert. Since by that time we had started to become fairly chummy, client says to me “how the hell do you always eat like this and stay so thin?” I chuckled to myself but did not give a direct answer since fasting is not something I discuss with people in RL often. I sort of had no choice with coworkers when I still worked in an office and was not remote like I am now. They saw me every day and losing nearly 100 pounds is going to make people wonder WTF. Though even then I would give smart ass responses like “yeah, well, I have just developed a severe cocaine habit is all”.

With new people who have no knowledge of my former fatty self, they probably get the impression that I am one of those lucky metabolic miracles that can eat whatever and not gain weight. I used to think this about people too. Some people are more comfortable sharing their fasting/weight loss exploits publicly, but I would rather not. Having people in my life that do not know me as “the former fat guy” has allowed me the chance to reinvent myself in positive ways without this stigma attached.

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