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Fasting but with carb heavy meals?

I’m new to fasting. I’m use to eating pizza n pasta n all that everyday. A lot of ppl fast but go on keto also. Is it okay to fast but break it with carb heavy meals like pasta or subs?

Because a 18+ hour fast puts you into ketosis almost and starts to deplete your glyceon levels. Once their fully depleted you switch to use ketones as fuel.

I’m worried since I’m doing 23 hour fasts per day that the constant in ketosis out of ketosis might be hard or bad on my body, and I should stick to just keto for a while


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The beauty of fasting is you don’t need to restrict any food groups , I’ve lost over 6st with fasting and don’t restrict any type of food , naturally you will want to eat healthy meals in time and pizza and chips won’t seem so appealing .But there’s nothing unhealthy with potatoes, pasta rice etc and if I want I will eat them.I also ate some junk food during my weight loss journey, and it had no effect on weight loss.You have to decide what is sustainable for you , I couldn’t stick to a keto diet indefinitely, life is to short not to eat the foods you enjoy .


Well. It might be harder that way. I think people often go keto because it helps suppress their appetite and makes fasting easier.

But if you listen to the Fasting Method Podcast, they talk about this sometimes. That in the early days when they first started fasting patients, some patients either couldn’t or didn’t want to change their diet much, if at all. Perhaps they were poor and had poor access to healthy foods, or just didn’t enjoy meat and veggies or were too stressed to make a diet change. Anyways, they started fasting without changing their diet. And still got results. (They had medical supervision though).

So… I don’t know, try it? Or make a gradual change and reduce those foods little by little. If you feel unwell, change what you do.


If you experiment a bit, you may find that lots of processed carbs leave you hungry later and that protein plus fat is much more satiating and makes fasting that much easier. I’m not telling you carbs are bad for you, just that a different balance of foods may make your life easier.

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