| | Water Fasting

Halfway: 5 day water fast (first one)

As I start writing this I’m exactly halfway through my first ever water fast.

I started on this because my system needs some kind of reboot. Because of the job I work, I had to spend 5 weeks in hotel room isolation between travelling. In that time I ate regularly and started doing calisthenics, however, my usual exercise consists mostly of cardio.

I was 6’2 at 97kg (215lbs) before the isolation. I came out at 103kg (228lbs). Ironically I can do far more push ups, pull ups and squats than before but my joints are suffering with the change in routine as well as the extra weight.

Now at 60 hours with no food and a mixture of light cardio (fast walking) and resistance training (mostly calisthenics) I’m no longer hungry. That said even without physiological cravings, my mental state is getting pretty weird regarding my desire for food. I seriously want to eat and I’m almost becoming absorbed by thoughts of food, but because there’s no body craving I can pretty easily tell myself “no”.

As far as the experience has been otherwise: no headaches, no tiredness, no severe hunger at any stage either. That’s the good. The downside is that I woke up today feeling like I’m on hard-core painkillers. There’s this contrast between heightened hearing and sense of smell, along with this floaty, fuzzy head feeling. Is this the ‘high’ most people experience?

Otherwise I’m down to 97kg again - which I suspect is mostly water weight as I can’t see any noticeable physical changes.

I’m also considering ending the fast prematurely tomorrow evening (4 days) for social/sport obligations which I don’t think I should go into directly after breaking a fast. Some thoughts on the effectiveness of a 4 day fast vs the planned 5 would be appreciated as I am completely new to this.

And to all: happy fasting.

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Yes your headspace changes drastically once your body starts using your own muscle/fat for energy. People say it gets easier after day 4 but honestly day 5 was even harder. I think if I went another day or 2 my hunger would eventually have settled down, but on the last day I really felt so sensitive to seeing movement and details like I was looking to hunt something when ever I went out.

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Categories: 5 day water fast water fast cardio pain evening a fast 4 day fast muscle energy